what's yours?
Don't answer if you don't know what I'm talking about...Which is your preferred method of cleansing stones?
Run them through the dishwasher.Which is your preferred method of cleansing stones?
I also use the salf and water way but I also find that afterwards I like to leave them in the freezer for a couple of days too. Running water of a stream works and the sage smuge is a good one too. It all depends on your own feelings and leanings. I have also left them on a window ledge to be in the light of a full moon for a whole night but then I want to pick them up before sun rise. Storing them in a silk bag helps to keep negative energies out as well after they are cleansed.
I feed them to my cow -she poops them out again and they are sooooooo sparkly!
It depends on time and how bad they are. I love using a smoke smudge in the open air especially if there's a full moon. I do the salt soak sometimes, but I don't think that some of my stones like that very much. If they're not bad and I need em real quick then I'll just pull the energies off of them. I've also transferred energies before, I'll get a stone like citrine or blue kyanite that doesn't have to be cleaned and ask it to pull some of the energies off. Oil annointing is good to do if you've already cleaned them. I guess my real absolute favorite cleansing method is cleaning in a stream about 30 minutes away from my house, there's this beautiful little area that juts out into the stream and I just dip the stones into the whirlpools that come up next to the rock, there's a waterfall a few feet away so it's really just a beautiful place. I guess it depends on the stone, how dirty they are, time available, and materials at hand.
Smudging with white sage. Salt water sometimes isn't good for the stones, but it really depends on what kind it is.
Soak them for a little while in wine vinegar and rinse under running water.
Leaving them outside on the night of the full moon seems to work well.
Sitting them in a small mound of sea salt for a few days.
Depending on the stone a salt water soak can pit or dissolve some stones.
i do know what your talking about and yes salt water is the best way to cleanse stones that i know of
This is how i got cleansed for good I received Jesus in my heart but i love you anyway and if you dont know what i am talking about please do not answer God bless you
I prefer saltwater soaking, though I sometimes generate flames with mugwort to cleanse stones.
I don't like using salt water, personally.. it can damage certain stones. My preferred method is smudging using sage, rosemary and cedar.
That and some water from a natural source does the trick for me.
Many blessings on your path,
I cleanse mine with Ajax
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