Saturday, December 26, 2009

Has anyone used colon cleanse.....................do鈥?it work????/?

I usually sit on a NYC fire hydrant, it works the same.Has anyone used colon cleanse.....................do鈥?it work????/?
I have a friend in California who told me about this. She was beginning to have anal sex with her boyfriend, so she thought it would be a good idea.

As far as it working, I think it pretty much flushes your colon, so there isn't any nasty residue.

So that's my 2 cents.Has anyone used colon cleanse.....................do鈥?it work????/?
Yes it does but only take it at night just before you go to bed. That way when it works you won't be anywhere important. It doesn't hurt or anything so don't worry but you will get a bowel movement.
If is it for constipation purposes it does. I know of someone that uses it and it really helps him. This one you buy it at any GNC Stores.
never heard of it
no, i haven't but i heard that it does work.
that right
you have to be more specific about the brand name--is that the actual name because there are tons of different brands of colon cleanses.
...Like clisma? ...i hope so...
every three months i do a whole body cleanse....

try this one...i do it every 3 months

Enzymatic Therapy

Whole Body Cleanse

its a kit and you have a diet to follow but you feel great when your done.....


Internal Cleansing System Digestive, Liver and Lymph Cleanse No Harsh Stimulant Laxatives Simple 2-week Program True Dispersion鈩?Fiber

WHY CLEANSE? Intestinal health is the foundation for nourshing all bodily systems. Years of environmental exposures to toxins, buildup of unhealthy waste substances, and improper eating habits can all take their toll. Sometimes the body needs help to cleanse, detoxify and refortify the intestinal system. Better health can be achieved through Enzymatic Therapy's Whole Body approach to detoxification and rebuilding.鈥?


Completely breaks down in less than 5 minutes 鈥?5 to 15 times faster than the top 4 other leading encapsulated fiber products on the market. More mucilage content than flax fiber 鈥?cleanses more toxins鈥?So revolutionary that it is patent-pending So You Get All-the-Way Clean!鈥?

In order to get the full benefit of fiber, it needs to dissolve. ONLY Enzymatic Therapy's True Dispersion鈩?fiber dissolves completely in less than 5 minutes. Other fiber capsules take a long time to breakdown or don't dissolve at all. Many fiber products actually turn into semi-solid slugs that may not fully dissolve in the digestive tract. True Dispersion鈩?fiber provides a better cleanse than other products because you get the full benefit of fiber that goes to work quickly and cleans all the way down.

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