Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Which colon cleanse product?

I have stomach pains all the time, and frequent diarhea. Sometimes though I'll go 3-4 days without haveing a bowel movement. Then all at once have diarhea. I'm thinking a colon cleanse would help Me out. Does anyone have any good tips, or advice on which colon cleanse product? ThanksWhich colon cleanse product?
Hmm... Sounds like you might be better served with a trip to the doctor - frequent stomach pains could be indicative of a much more serious problem, like a food allergy or condition like IBS. Doing a colon cleanse may do more harm than good until you know what the root cause of your problem is.Which colon cleanse product?
While it can be said that there are varied treatments for constipation with irritable bowel syndrome, research is still being conducted into what drug would be able to specifically and wholly treat every case of constipation with irritable bowel syndrome. As of now each individual might have to learn by a trial and error method as to what is ideal for them.

For some people eating gluten-free diets may produce some form of relief. What works very well is an effective colon cleanser. A complete colon cleanser can help relieve all the symptoms of constipation like abdominal pains and cramps, and bloating. Colon cleansers have been proven to be beneficial in people with IBS. The good news is that Colon cleansers need not be used for life and a month's treatment is effective in relieving the symptoms of IBS-C. A lot of research has proven that effective colon cleansing will work and can eliminate constipation with irritable bowel syndrome.

The best treatment i employ with my patients are Bow Colon cleanse it offers excellent relieve.

If you are going to try the colon cleanse free trial i would take use of there free health program and guides which most patients come back with appraisals
Don't do it.

Those colon cleanse products are dangerous to begin with. With your issues you're likely to make it worse.

Part of your problem could come from diet, but I'm sure your biggest problem is a lack of healthy bacteria in your intestines. Get some acidophilus capsules. Take 2 in the morning and 2 at night for 2 weeks. After that take 2 a night as long as you need them. This will replenish the healthy bacteria in your intestines and should fix your problem.

Laxatives, too much fiber and colon cleansing will wipe out your bacteria, which are important to digestion as well as your immune system.
Hi, you may try colon cleanse with some home remedy as it's simple and good for your health as well.

There are many means of having home made solutions for colon cleanse. The very first option is to have tasty fibrous foods that you can have through iceberg salad added with variety of crunchy vegetables and enhancing it by adding some toasted walnuts. A thick soup with vegetables and barley can suit your palate well. Homemade chicken soup can be made tasty by adding lentils instead of pasta for fibrous provision. Apart from fibrous foods consumption of lots of fluids is also a healthy option. You can well add the consumption of pure water and make some additional herbal tea and other hydrating fluids in your diet. While opting for colon cleanse home remedy make a right choice of the fat. This is because the purpose of the fat is to increase the nutrients in the body the selection of it is also very important. The consumption of fats for nutrients supports healing and so supplements of flax seed oil or fish oil and above all a choice for Omega 3 is the healthiest option. Content of Omega 3 can be found in salmon and thus are the means for all health benefits and proper digestive system.
you should be checked out by a physician first before using any colon cleansing product. Ask them to check your bile levels and gall bladder. There are many great colon cleansing products on the market, but I don't think they will make you more regular and may end up causing more harm than good. I have a friend with C. Diff and they have symptoms such as yours. that's Clostridium Difficile and it's a bacteria if you would like to look it up.
Trader Joe's has a great colon clean program box. It is simple and last about 2-3 weeks. There are colon cleanse teas also. Just look around the health food store.

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