Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Is colon cleansing dangerous?

what harm can colon cleansing do?Is colon cleansing dangerous?
Dont listen to these people. It is very good for you and your body. It will literally clean you out and make you feel rejuvenated.

Go to this website and check it out.

Colonix Colon Cleanse Detox by Dr Natura

Please look into it, it is very important to get all of the toxins out of your bodyIs colon cleansing dangerous?
Hi Nightgang

CabinGirl is correct on the issue. We americans are very uneducated on how the body works and when the colon isnt working correctly, the toxins sit there and eventually get in the blood and cause illness and disease.

The colon. If your colon is bunged up, it can start to cause all sorts of health problems in the body. Eat lots of fruit and veg, include plenty of fiber in your diet and buy a colon cleanse from a health food store or online if necessary. It's also good to get some colonic irrigation. It makes you feel so clean inside and you get the urge to put only good food in your body after you've been cleansed.

1. Drink at least 8 glasses of water, herbal tea or unsweetened juice each day

2. Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper

3. Eat every two hours, by having healthy snacks in between meals. Eating frequently increases your metabolism.

4. Eat lots of fruit and veg.

5. When having potatoes, rice or pasta, just have a small portion.

1) Eat at least 5 servings of different fruits and vegetables every day. Don't eat any junk/snack type food until you've had at least 5 fruits/vegetables.

2) Stick to whole, unprocessed foods such as whole grains, beans, fruits, vegetables, nuts. As much as you can, try to eat foods that don't have a brand name! So, for example, eat oatmeal (you can buy oats in the bulk bin of most grocery stores) instead of Honey Bunches of Oats.

3) Eliminate partially hydrogenated oil and high-fructose corn syrup completely.

4) Drink a gallon of water instead of soda. If you really want juice, make it a nutritious juice, such as orange juice. Apple and grape juices have very little in the way of nutrients.

5) Minimize animal products, especially fatty ones, as much as possible.

6) Good program also on

Best of health to you
You risk burstiing your large intestine
First of all, it's totally unnecessary unless you are undergoing colonoscopy or certain types of intestinal surgery. The colon is not a drain pipe, sludge does not accumulate in it.

Risks of excess laxative or enema usage include electrolyte imbalance, alteration of normal intestinal bacteria and overgrowth of harmful micro-organisms (like C difficile), rectal irritation, and even perforation of the rectum or colon. (The latter is quite rare.) Excessive usage can also interfere with normal absorption of necessary vitamins and micro-nutrients. Overuse of phosphate laxatives and enemas can cause serious, even fatal damage to the liver and kidneys.

Read how you can increase the fiber in your diet and forget about colon cleansing. Eat cereals, nuts, fruits and vegetables. Drink prune juice. It's cheaper and healthier.
CLeansing the colon removes the normal bacteria that live there that keep anything harmful from affecting you, If you cleanse the colon the normal flora is gone and you can become ill.
It is not necessary if you eat healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables and whole grains..
yes if it hit the vegal nerve. It could almost kill yah
no ,it is ok to get enemas
It is possible to do a colon cleansing too often. This isn't much of a risk though. It's probably not necessary to do it every day. ;-)

It does not damage healthy bacteria and the benefits of the cleansing mainly affect the decending colon and the bacterial flora does not thrive there.
As long as you don't use a power washer, I suppose it's okay....
Depends on what you clean it with. A brillo pad? Yes. A salt water enema? No.
it can be dangerous if its not done right i read a story a few years ago about someone that used a water hose and he was to much pressure
no, but it is very important to get it done. my grandfather refused for years, and when he finally went he had cancer and needed an opperation. now he wishes he had gone sooner

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