I have stomach pains all the time, and frequent diarhea. Sometimes though I'll go 3-4 days without haveing a bowel movement. Then all at once have diarhea. I'm thinking a colon cleanse would help Me out. Does anyone have any good tips, or advice on which colon cleanse product? ThanksWhich colon cleanse product?
Hmm... Sounds like you might be better served with a trip to the doctor - frequent stomach pains could be indicative of a much more serious problem, like a food allergy or condition like IBS. Doing a colon cleanse may do more harm than good until you know what the root cause of your problem is.Which colon cleanse product?
While it can be said that there are varied treatments for constipation with irritable bowel syndrome, research is still being conducted into what drug would be able to specifically and wholly treat every case of constipation with irritable bowel syndrome. As of now each individual might have to learn by a trial and error method as to what is ideal for them.
For some people eating gluten-free diets may produce some form of relief. What works very well is an effective colon cleanser. A complete colon cleanser can help relieve all the symptoms of constipation like abdominal pains and cramps, and bloating. Colon cleansers have been proven to be beneficial in people with IBS. The good news is that Colon cleansers need not be used for life and a month's treatment is effective in relieving the symptoms of IBS-C. A lot of research has proven that effective colon cleansing will work and can eliminate constipation with irritable bowel syndrome.
The best treatment i employ with my patients are Bow Colon cleanse it offers excellent relieve.
If you are going to try the colon cleanse free trial i would take use of there free health program and guides which most patients come back with appraisals
Don't do it.
Those colon cleanse products are dangerous to begin with. With your issues you're likely to make it worse.
Part of your problem could come from diet, but I'm sure your biggest problem is a lack of healthy bacteria in your intestines. Get some acidophilus capsules. Take 2 in the morning and 2 at night for 2 weeks. After that take 2 a night as long as you need them. This will replenish the healthy bacteria in your intestines and should fix your problem.
Laxatives, too much fiber and colon cleansing will wipe out your bacteria, which are important to digestion as well as your immune system.
Hi, you may try colon cleanse with some home remedy as it's simple and good for your health as well.
There are many means of having home made solutions for colon cleanse. The very first option is to have tasty fibrous foods that you can have through iceberg salad added with variety of crunchy vegetables and enhancing it by adding some toasted walnuts. A thick soup with vegetables and barley can suit your palate well. Homemade chicken soup can be made tasty by adding lentils instead of pasta for fibrous provision. Apart from fibrous foods consumption of lots of fluids is also a healthy option. You can well add the consumption of pure water and make some additional herbal tea and other hydrating fluids in your diet. While opting for colon cleanse home remedy make a right choice of the fat. This is because the purpose of the fat is to increase the nutrients in the body the selection of it is also very important. The consumption of fats for nutrients supports healing and so supplements of flax seed oil or fish oil and above all a choice for Omega 3 is the healthiest option. Content of Omega 3 can be found in salmon and thus are the means for all health benefits and proper digestive system.
you should be checked out by a physician first before using any colon cleansing product. Ask them to check your bile levels and gall bladder. There are many great colon cleansing products on the market, but I don't think they will make you more regular and may end up causing more harm than good. I have a friend with C. Diff and they have symptoms such as yours. that's Clostridium Difficile and it's a bacteria if you would like to look it up.
Trader Joe's has a great colon clean program box. It is simple and last about 2-3 weeks. There are colon cleanse teas also. Just look around the health food store.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
';He made no distinction between us and them, cleansing their hearts by faith.';?
Acts 15:9
What is this Bible passage referring to?';He made no distinction between us and them, cleansing their hearts by faith.';?
Jesus loves all of us...';He made no distinction between us and them, cleansing their hearts by faith.';?
The bible passage is refering to the Gentile's recent conversion to Christianity after being converted by Paul, and the resulting conflict between a certain sect of the Church that declared that the Gentiles must be circumsized by law of Moses.
The apostles and Elders then called a meeting in which the church attempted to decide whether or not this was reasonable. Peter declared : ';Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe. And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us; And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith. ';
He is saying that it would be unjust to circumsize them because it would be putting a yoke on them the same as how the Romans were oppressing the Jews at the time. God would see no difference between as and them because their hearts had already been prified by Faith.
It goes with v 6-11. With insight and inspiration Peter strikes at the heart of the controversy over circumcision. it is not circumcision as such, but rater: Can the gospel be offered to uncircumcised gentiles or is it limited to circumcised Israel? Are people who do not keep the law of Moses eligible to inherit the blessings os salvation which Christ came to bring? Is salvation in Moses of Christ? Peter has received the revelation. The gospel is for all men ant therefore circumcision-with all that it symbolizes-is not essential to salvation.
the gentiles
6 So the apostles and church elders got together to decide this question. 7 At the meeting, after a long discussion, Peter stood and addressed them as follows: ';Brothers, you all know that God chose me from among you some time ago to preach to the Gentiles so that they could hear the Good News and believe. 8 God, who knows people's hearts, confirmed that he accepts Gentiles by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as he gave him to us. 9 He made no distinction between us and them, for he also cleansed their hearts through faith. 10 Why are you now questioning God's way by burdening the Gentile believers [fn3] with a yoke that neither we nor our ancestors were able to bear?
i believe he is reffering to Jews and Gentiles both recieving the same cleansing without distinction.
It is saying that God made no distinction between the Jews and the Gentiles in bringing them to Himself through Jesus Christ.
Jesus views all people equallyheadache
What is this Bible passage referring to?';He made no distinction between us and them, cleansing their hearts by faith.';?
Jesus loves all of us...';He made no distinction between us and them, cleansing their hearts by faith.';?
The bible passage is refering to the Gentile's recent conversion to Christianity after being converted by Paul, and the resulting conflict between a certain sect of the Church that declared that the Gentiles must be circumsized by law of Moses.
The apostles and Elders then called a meeting in which the church attempted to decide whether or not this was reasonable. Peter declared : ';Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe. And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us; And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith. ';
He is saying that it would be unjust to circumsize them because it would be putting a yoke on them the same as how the Romans were oppressing the Jews at the time. God would see no difference between as and them because their hearts had already been prified by Faith.
It goes with v 6-11. With insight and inspiration Peter strikes at the heart of the controversy over circumcision. it is not circumcision as such, but rater: Can the gospel be offered to uncircumcised gentiles or is it limited to circumcised Israel? Are people who do not keep the law of Moses eligible to inherit the blessings os salvation which Christ came to bring? Is salvation in Moses of Christ? Peter has received the revelation. The gospel is for all men ant therefore circumcision-with all that it symbolizes-is not essential to salvation.
the gentiles
6 So the apostles and church elders got together to decide this question. 7 At the meeting, after a long discussion, Peter stood and addressed them as follows: ';Brothers, you all know that God chose me from among you some time ago to preach to the Gentiles so that they could hear the Good News and believe. 8 God, who knows people's hearts, confirmed that he accepts Gentiles by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as he gave him to us. 9 He made no distinction between us and them, for he also cleansed their hearts through faith. 10 Why are you now questioning God's way by burdening the Gentile believers [fn3] with a yoke that neither we nor our ancestors were able to bear?
i believe he is reffering to Jews and Gentiles both recieving the same cleansing without distinction.
It is saying that God made no distinction between the Jews and the Gentiles in bringing them to Himself through Jesus Christ.
Jesus views all people equally
Is colon cleansing dangerous?
what harm can colon cleansing do?Is colon cleansing dangerous?
Dont listen to these people. It is very good for you and your body. It will literally clean you out and make you feel rejuvenated.
Go to this website and check it out.
Colonix Colon Cleanse Detox by Dr Natura
Please look into it, it is very important to get all of the toxins out of your bodyIs colon cleansing dangerous?
Hi Nightgang
CabinGirl is correct on the issue. We americans are very uneducated on how the body works and when the colon isnt working correctly, the toxins sit there and eventually get in the blood and cause illness and disease.
The colon. If your colon is bunged up, it can start to cause all sorts of health problems in the body. Eat lots of fruit and veg, include plenty of fiber in your diet and buy a colon cleanse from a health food store or online if necessary. It's also good to get some colonic irrigation. It makes you feel so clean inside and you get the urge to put only good food in your body after you've been cleansed.
1. Drink at least 8 glasses of water, herbal tea or unsweetened juice each day
2. Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper
3. Eat every two hours, by having healthy snacks in between meals. Eating frequently increases your metabolism.
4. Eat lots of fruit and veg.
5. When having potatoes, rice or pasta, just have a small portion.
1) Eat at least 5 servings of different fruits and vegetables every day. Don't eat any junk/snack type food until you've had at least 5 fruits/vegetables.
2) Stick to whole, unprocessed foods such as whole grains, beans, fruits, vegetables, nuts. As much as you can, try to eat foods that don't have a brand name! So, for example, eat oatmeal (you can buy oats in the bulk bin of most grocery stores) instead of Honey Bunches of Oats.
3) Eliminate partially hydrogenated oil and high-fructose corn syrup completely.
4) Drink a gallon of water instead of soda. If you really want juice, make it a nutritious juice, such as orange juice. Apple and grape juices have very little in the way of nutrients.
5) Minimize animal products, especially fatty ones, as much as possible.
6) Good program also on herbdoc.com
Best of health to you
You risk burstiing your large intestine
First of all, it's totally unnecessary unless you are undergoing colonoscopy or certain types of intestinal surgery. The colon is not a drain pipe, sludge does not accumulate in it.
Risks of excess laxative or enema usage include electrolyte imbalance, alteration of normal intestinal bacteria and overgrowth of harmful micro-organisms (like C difficile), rectal irritation, and even perforation of the rectum or colon. (The latter is quite rare.) Excessive usage can also interfere with normal absorption of necessary vitamins and micro-nutrients. Overuse of phosphate laxatives and enemas can cause serious, even fatal damage to the liver and kidneys.
Read how you can increase the fiber in your diet and forget about colon cleansing. Eat cereals, nuts, fruits and vegetables. Drink prune juice. It's cheaper and healthier.
CLeansing the colon removes the normal bacteria that live there that keep anything harmful from affecting you, If you cleanse the colon the normal flora is gone and you can become ill.
It is not necessary if you eat healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables and whole grains..
yes if it hit the vegal nerve. It could almost kill yah
no ,it is ok to get enemas
It is possible to do a colon cleansing too often. This isn't much of a risk though. It's probably not necessary to do it every day. ;-)
It does not damage healthy bacteria and the benefits of the cleansing mainly affect the decending colon and the bacterial flora does not thrive there.
As long as you don't use a power washer, I suppose it's okay....
Depends on what you clean it with. A brillo pad? Yes. A salt water enema? No.
it can be dangerous if its not done right i read a story a few years ago about someone that used a water hose and he was to much pressure
no, but it is very important to get it done. my grandfather refused for years, and when he finally went he had cancer and needed an opperation. now he wishes he had gone sooner
Dont listen to these people. It is very good for you and your body. It will literally clean you out and make you feel rejuvenated.
Go to this website and check it out.
Colonix Colon Cleanse Detox by Dr Natura
Please look into it, it is very important to get all of the toxins out of your bodyIs colon cleansing dangerous?
Hi Nightgang
CabinGirl is correct on the issue. We americans are very uneducated on how the body works and when the colon isnt working correctly, the toxins sit there and eventually get in the blood and cause illness and disease.
The colon. If your colon is bunged up, it can start to cause all sorts of health problems in the body. Eat lots of fruit and veg, include plenty of fiber in your diet and buy a colon cleanse from a health food store or online if necessary. It's also good to get some colonic irrigation. It makes you feel so clean inside and you get the urge to put only good food in your body after you've been cleansed.
1. Drink at least 8 glasses of water, herbal tea or unsweetened juice each day
2. Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper
3. Eat every two hours, by having healthy snacks in between meals. Eating frequently increases your metabolism.
4. Eat lots of fruit and veg.
5. When having potatoes, rice or pasta, just have a small portion.
1) Eat at least 5 servings of different fruits and vegetables every day. Don't eat any junk/snack type food until you've had at least 5 fruits/vegetables.
2) Stick to whole, unprocessed foods such as whole grains, beans, fruits, vegetables, nuts. As much as you can, try to eat foods that don't have a brand name! So, for example, eat oatmeal (you can buy oats in the bulk bin of most grocery stores) instead of Honey Bunches of Oats.
3) Eliminate partially hydrogenated oil and high-fructose corn syrup completely.
4) Drink a gallon of water instead of soda. If you really want juice, make it a nutritious juice, such as orange juice. Apple and grape juices have very little in the way of nutrients.
5) Minimize animal products, especially fatty ones, as much as possible.
6) Good program also on herbdoc.com
Best of health to you
You risk burstiing your large intestine
First of all, it's totally unnecessary unless you are undergoing colonoscopy or certain types of intestinal surgery. The colon is not a drain pipe, sludge does not accumulate in it.
Risks of excess laxative or enema usage include electrolyte imbalance, alteration of normal intestinal bacteria and overgrowth of harmful micro-organisms (like C difficile), rectal irritation, and even perforation of the rectum or colon. (The latter is quite rare.) Excessive usage can also interfere with normal absorption of necessary vitamins and micro-nutrients. Overuse of phosphate laxatives and enemas can cause serious, even fatal damage to the liver and kidneys.
Read how you can increase the fiber in your diet and forget about colon cleansing. Eat cereals, nuts, fruits and vegetables. Drink prune juice. It's cheaper and healthier.
CLeansing the colon removes the normal bacteria that live there that keep anything harmful from affecting you, If you cleanse the colon the normal flora is gone and you can become ill.
It is not necessary if you eat healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables and whole grains..
yes if it hit the vegal nerve. It could almost kill yah
no ,it is ok to get enemas
It is possible to do a colon cleansing too often. This isn't much of a risk though. It's probably not necessary to do it every day. ;-)
It does not damage healthy bacteria and the benefits of the cleansing mainly affect the decending colon and the bacterial flora does not thrive there.
As long as you don't use a power washer, I suppose it's okay....
Depends on what you clean it with. A brillo pad? Yes. A salt water enema? No.
it can be dangerous if its not done right i read a story a few years ago about someone that used a water hose and he was to much pressure
no, but it is very important to get it done. my grandfather refused for years, and when he finally went he had cancer and needed an opperation. now he wishes he had gone sooner
Does master cleanse help you to fat,and look mores skinny?
i about to do master cleanse i just want to no if it really work
do you look skinny after you done it
well you lose stretch mark
please help thankDoes master cleanse help you to fat,and look mores skinny?
Obviously English is not your first language. I think what you mean is ';does it help you loose fat and look skinnier.' The answer is (in my opinion) it's a gimmick just like all the other gimmicks out there designed to rob gullible people. All that bit about pounds of ';waste'; being in your body is ridiculous!
do you look skinny after you done it
well you lose stretch mark
please help thankDoes master cleanse help you to fat,and look mores skinny?
Obviously English is not your first language. I think what you mean is ';does it help you loose fat and look skinnier.' The answer is (in my opinion) it's a gimmick just like all the other gimmicks out there designed to rob gullible people. All that bit about pounds of ';waste'; being in your body is ridiculous!
Free colon cleanse online WITHOUT paying shipping?!?
So i was looking online for free trial colon cleansers and all of the companies want you to pay shipping. Are there any out there that don't for a free trial???Free colon cleanse online WITHOUT paying shipping?!?
No, there is rarely anything that is truly free, especially if they are advertising it, otherwise people would jump on it and never ';buy'; it. I know I wouldn't and advertisers know this. Even when they offer free shipping, they still have your credit card number and you HAVE to cancel BEFORE the trial period or they will charge your credit card the full price.Free colon cleanse online WITHOUT paying shipping?!?
I highly doubt it. They get money off of the shipping; a truly *free* product would hurt the company more than help it.
If you really want the colon cleanse, either pay for shipping or buy the product in a store.
No, there is rarely anything that is truly free, especially if they are advertising it, otherwise people would jump on it and never ';buy'; it. I know I wouldn't and advertisers know this. Even when they offer free shipping, they still have your credit card number and you HAVE to cancel BEFORE the trial period or they will charge your credit card the full price.Free colon cleanse online WITHOUT paying shipping?!?
I highly doubt it. They get money off of the shipping; a truly *free* product would hurt the company more than help it.
If you really want the colon cleanse, either pay for shipping or buy the product in a store.
Experience with cleanse?
Does anyone have experience with a cleanse for the body for health and weight management benefits?
Any specifics on The Master Cleanse or the Acia Berry Diet?Experience with cleanse?
try dr . natura
Any specifics on The Master Cleanse or the Acia Berry Diet?Experience with cleanse?
try dr . natura
Explain the cleansing action for detergents.?
Detergents are a type of surface active agent or surfactant that consists of a hydrophobic ';tail'; (usually hydrocarbon) and a hydrophilic ';head'; (this may be from a range of anionic, non-ionic, cationic or zwitterionic chemical groups). In aqueous solution the surfactant molecules tend to form ';micelle'; structures in order to keep their tails together and away from the solution phase. It is possible for the oily molecules in most dirt to enter the centre of these micelles and therefore be effectively dispersed in the water and washed away. This process proceeds much more rapidly with some mechanical action which is why scrubbing, mixing etc. is usually required.
However, commercial detergent systems are usually quite complex and include a range of other chemicals as well as the surfactant(s) in order to improve the effectiveness of the composition.Explain the cleansing action for detergents.?
A detergent is made of long molecules: the long C-H chain end dissolves in grease (which is also typically a C-H chain of some kind) and the other end has some kind of polar bond which then dissolves in water. All the little chains make a little globe with their polar parts sticking into the water and the nonpolar ends sticking into the (very small) grease blob and it floats away off the dishes.
However, commercial detergent systems are usually quite complex and include a range of other chemicals as well as the surfactant(s) in order to improve the effectiveness of the composition.Explain the cleansing action for detergents.?
A detergent is made of long molecules: the long C-H chain end dissolves in grease (which is also typically a C-H chain of some kind) and the other end has some kind of polar bond which then dissolves in water. All the little chains make a little globe with their polar parts sticking into the water and the nonpolar ends sticking into the (very small) grease blob and it floats away off the dishes.
In World of Warcraft, where would i find Ran Bloodtooth for the Raene's Cleansing quest?
Thottbot has most of the answers to questions like this, just google Thottbot [name of mob or quest etc] and the page comes right up =)In World of Warcraft, where would i find Ran Bloodtooth for the Raene's Cleansing quest?
Welcome to the world ... of WARCRAFT!headache
Thottbot has most of the answers to questions like this, just google Thottbot [name of mob or quest etc] and the page comes right up =)In World of Warcraft, where would i find Ran Bloodtooth for the Raene's Cleansing quest?
Welcome to the world ... of WARCRAFT!
Why do we get pimpels after a deep cleanse session.?
Because it opens your pores and draws out all of the impurities. They come to the top of your skin as pimples.Why do we get pimpels after a deep cleanse session.?
You breakout because the cleansers are bringing all of the impurities to the surface of the skin, after a while of having it cleaned like thst you wont have so many breakouts because all of the imputities will be out of your system. But you have to keep up with it otherwise your skin will just build up again.
If you need any more help just ask, or visit my forum:
You breakout because the cleansers are bringing all of the impurities to the surface of the skin, after a while of having it cleaned like thst you wont have so many breakouts because all of the imputities will be out of your system. But you have to keep up with it otherwise your skin will just build up again.
If you need any more help just ask, or visit my forum:
Detox body?? Cleanse home remedy?
how can you cleanse body, like home remedies. Thanks.Detox body?? Cleanse home remedy?
Try eating green vegetables and egg whites for 3 days. After the 3rd day, add fish. After the 5th Day, add whole grains (non-gluten). Drink 8 glasses of water a day.Detox body?? Cleanse home remedy?
There are many detox systems available on the market. You can buy a kit or do it yourself. There is even a book I believe it is called the 7 day detox. Not sure who the author is. Also check out the foot pads that attach to your feet some drug stores carry them now. Depending on exactly what you are looking to detox you could do something as simple as the Hollywood Diet also known as the 48 hour diet, available at most stores grocery and Wal-mart. Really depends on what all you want to detox whole body to specific parts. Just remember more costly doesn't mean better. Or simply fruits and veggies and whole grains.
This page can help...
Try eating green vegetables and egg whites for 3 days. After the 3rd day, add fish. After the 5th Day, add whole grains (non-gluten). Drink 8 glasses of water a day.Detox body?? Cleanse home remedy?
There are many detox systems available on the market. You can buy a kit or do it yourself. There is even a book I believe it is called the 7 day detox. Not sure who the author is. Also check out the foot pads that attach to your feet some drug stores carry them now. Depending on exactly what you are looking to detox you could do something as simple as the Hollywood Diet also known as the 48 hour diet, available at most stores grocery and Wal-mart. Really depends on what all you want to detox whole body to specific parts. Just remember more costly doesn't mean better. Or simply fruits and veggies and whole grains.
This page can help...
Non salon cleansing shampoo? I need something to get the build-up off my hair!?
Try a nutregena (sp?) shampoo for a couple of weeks.Non salon cleansing shampoo? I need something to get the build-up off my hair!?
oh my gosh i had the same problem!!! i used this shampoo called ';ion'; and it would really well...i think it's called hair purifying cleanser or something like that...white bottle red cap...check it out!Non salon cleansing shampoo? I need something to get the build-up off my hair!?
with stuff you already have at home?
katchup and baking soda. mix into a paste in non metalic bowl and stir with a plastic spoon.
after rinsing regular shampoo out towel dry and apply the paste. comb thru ( over tub - some katchup stains) leave in up to 30 minutes then rinse, towel dry, condition for 3 -5 minutes and rinse with cool water.
it stinks! just to warn you.
the acid in the katchup will 'eat' the build up and the baking soda will 'exfoliate' it off and return the hair to it's natural ph level.
Hot Oil treatments by V05? I've tried that and some neutrogena shampoo... both worked pretty well at getting out my build-up.
what build up? if its hair spray try sea breeze its a face cleaner but it works wonders on hair spray build up. just squirt some in comb with a small tooth comb and wash out. its like magic. for other build ups like chlorine or deposits deep cleansing is the best.
Try Johnson and Johnson's baby shampoo. IT's cheap and it's supposed to work really well.
oh my gosh i had the same problem!!! i used this shampoo called ';ion'; and it would really well...i think it's called hair purifying cleanser or something like that...white bottle red cap...check it out!Non salon cleansing shampoo? I need something to get the build-up off my hair!?
with stuff you already have at home?
katchup and baking soda. mix into a paste in non metalic bowl and stir with a plastic spoon.
after rinsing regular shampoo out towel dry and apply the paste. comb thru ( over tub - some katchup stains) leave in up to 30 minutes then rinse, towel dry, condition for 3 -5 minutes and rinse with cool water.
it stinks! just to warn you.
the acid in the katchup will 'eat' the build up and the baking soda will 'exfoliate' it off and return the hair to it's natural ph level.
Hot Oil treatments by V05? I've tried that and some neutrogena shampoo... both worked pretty well at getting out my build-up.
what build up? if its hair spray try sea breeze its a face cleaner but it works wonders on hair spray build up. just squirt some in comb with a small tooth comb and wash out. its like magic. for other build ups like chlorine or deposits deep cleansing is the best.
Try Johnson and Johnson's baby shampoo. IT's cheap and it's supposed to work really well.
Has anyone ever done a body cleanse? like a colon cleanse?
does it make you lose weight?Has anyone ever done a body cleanse? like a colon cleanse?
The amount of weight you can lose with a colon cleanse depends on how much matter is left in your intestines. The average person has 5-20 pounds of matter, so you can lose a decent amount.
For colon cleansing home remedies, the best thing would be going for juice fasting for 3- 5 days or eat a diet high in fiber and drink your recommended amount of water.
For colon cleansing products, Cellular Research, Dr. Natura, Dr. Schulze, Enuvia, Health Plus, Nature's Secret and Oxy-Powder are quite among popular among the industry.
http://www.cleansecolonblog.com/ is a blog that review colon cleanse product, colon cleanse home remedies and more.Has anyone ever done a body cleanse? like a colon cleanse?
I used one once that I purchased from a vitamin place and it really helped me. I also lost about 10 lbs while I was on it.
I lost 10 pounds on master cleanse (cleansing method using lemonade) diet. While actually the intial purposes are to cleanse my body and kidney, it turned out that weight loss was also achievable using the master cleanse.
Recipe for lemonade drink:
鈥?2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon.
鈥?2 tablespoons of grade B Maple Syrup.
鈥?Add cayenne pepper according to your preference
鈥?A glass of pure water.
You should drink the lemonade along with herbal laxative tea. It's advisable to do this for 7 days at least.
yes you will weigh less, but you wont look thinner. cause it doesnt clean body fat or anything.
yes but very nasty and you will regret it
The amount of weight you can lose with a colon cleanse depends on how much matter is left in your intestines. The average person has 5-20 pounds of matter, so you can lose a decent amount.
For colon cleansing home remedies, the best thing would be going for juice fasting for 3- 5 days or eat a diet high in fiber and drink your recommended amount of water.
For colon cleansing products, Cellular Research, Dr. Natura, Dr. Schulze, Enuvia, Health Plus, Nature's Secret and Oxy-Powder are quite among popular among the industry.
http://www.cleansecolonblog.com/ is a blog that review colon cleanse product, colon cleanse home remedies and more.Has anyone ever done a body cleanse? like a colon cleanse?
I used one once that I purchased from a vitamin place and it really helped me. I also lost about 10 lbs while I was on it.
I lost 10 pounds on master cleanse (cleansing method using lemonade) diet. While actually the intial purposes are to cleanse my body and kidney, it turned out that weight loss was also achievable using the master cleanse.
Recipe for lemonade drink:
鈥?2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon.
鈥?2 tablespoons of grade B Maple Syrup.
鈥?Add cayenne pepper according to your preference
鈥?A glass of pure water.
You should drink the lemonade along with herbal laxative tea. It's advisable to do this for 7 days at least.
yes you will weigh less, but you wont look thinner. cause it doesnt clean body fat or anything.
yes but very nasty and you will regret it
Professional Colon Cleanse Benefits?
I was just wondering what kind of benefits will a colon cleanse do for me. I have read and heard that depending on how much waste left in your intestines, you can loose weight and can cause you to be more energetic. Now will getting this done also help if starting a diet? You know start fresh.
Will your body be getting more of the nutrients in foods after this is done? And lastly how much does this process cost, ball park estimate?
ThanksProfessional Colon Cleanse Benefits?
Your colon is clogged with old fecal matter like a dirty fish tank, and it works like an undulating snake. Klee Irwin can help you with dual action cleanse!Professional Colon Cleanse Benefits?
This latest trend of colon cleansing is just a passing phase. Its all the rage in the states right now. A few years from now, all the ';experts'; will be squawking about how bad it is for you and they will be onto something new.
It really isn't going to make you absorb nutrients any better and you run the risk of washing out much of your natural flora by doing this. Your intestines work on having certain bacteria in them.
Professionally, in my area, to have it done runs right at $200.
It really is a complete scam. Removing waste from an area that removes waste automatically is just pointless.
The practise is linked to a time when people with bad diets got a lot of constipation, so quacks invented fantasy stories about mythical benefits of it. With the dawn of the internet, the access to a gullible population increased exponentially, hence why its re-surged.
Don't get sucked in by it.
I am young and I have never had my colon cleanse but they say it is healthy to have it done when you get around your thirties to help prevent prostate and colon cancer. I say get it done with a product that gives at least a free trial offer. Its just like sleeping or goin to the dentist for a cleaning just a fresh start i mean you will always have bacteria or dirt in your colon a good flushing wont hurt trust me this link below gives a free trial offer
OK here is the low down. You should clean your colon. Your colon is the key to your health and the older population of Americans can agree to that. From my family history experience using enemas and other minerals like castor oil it helps in cleaning the colon, and the people who uses them live well into their 70s, 80s or even longer. Most older Americans who are into their 70s or beyond use some type of something to help aid in the cleaning of their colon. People in other countries take enemas or eat food that clean their colon and in our good old USA the doctors have left that out. They know that if you clean your colon you will not visit the doctor as often as they would like. When was the last time the doctor told someone they need to clean their colon or take vitamins or have worms, Its about money in this country and that's the bottom line. Your colon is like a sponge pipe. If you have not cleaned your colon this year its full of putrid (decaying, rotting) matter with a 2nd layer of mucus. Your colon usually absorbs vitamins and minerals in a clean colon however this toxic stuff in your colon is being absorbs instead and only about 5% or less of the vitamins and minerals are being absorbed. Thus the reason why your body goes haywire like your kidneys, lungs, blood pressure, cholesterol, heart, headaches, feeling tired, weight gain, etc.
The cost: maybe $10 in natural herbs if you google for a good homemade recipes for a colon cleanse. Or you can buy it all ready prepared by a company. Can be costly. I used Colonix and it was very good. Cost for Colonix 3 month system: about $177. Work just as good as the homemade without the hassle of mixing the herbs. I recommend either one.
Will your body be getting more of the nutrients in foods after this is done? And lastly how much does this process cost, ball park estimate?
ThanksProfessional Colon Cleanse Benefits?
Your colon is clogged with old fecal matter like a dirty fish tank, and it works like an undulating snake. Klee Irwin can help you with dual action cleanse!Professional Colon Cleanse Benefits?
This latest trend of colon cleansing is just a passing phase. Its all the rage in the states right now. A few years from now, all the ';experts'; will be squawking about how bad it is for you and they will be onto something new.
It really isn't going to make you absorb nutrients any better and you run the risk of washing out much of your natural flora by doing this. Your intestines work on having certain bacteria in them.
Professionally, in my area, to have it done runs right at $200.
It really is a complete scam. Removing waste from an area that removes waste automatically is just pointless.
The practise is linked to a time when people with bad diets got a lot of constipation, so quacks invented fantasy stories about mythical benefits of it. With the dawn of the internet, the access to a gullible population increased exponentially, hence why its re-surged.
Don't get sucked in by it.
I am young and I have never had my colon cleanse but they say it is healthy to have it done when you get around your thirties to help prevent prostate and colon cancer. I say get it done with a product that gives at least a free trial offer. Its just like sleeping or goin to the dentist for a cleaning just a fresh start i mean you will always have bacteria or dirt in your colon a good flushing wont hurt trust me this link below gives a free trial offer
OK here is the low down. You should clean your colon. Your colon is the key to your health and the older population of Americans can agree to that. From my family history experience using enemas and other minerals like castor oil it helps in cleaning the colon, and the people who uses them live well into their 70s, 80s or even longer. Most older Americans who are into their 70s or beyond use some type of something to help aid in the cleaning of their colon. People in other countries take enemas or eat food that clean their colon and in our good old USA the doctors have left that out. They know that if you clean your colon you will not visit the doctor as often as they would like. When was the last time the doctor told someone they need to clean their colon or take vitamins or have worms, Its about money in this country and that's the bottom line. Your colon is like a sponge pipe. If you have not cleaned your colon this year its full of putrid (decaying, rotting) matter with a 2nd layer of mucus. Your colon usually absorbs vitamins and minerals in a clean colon however this toxic stuff in your colon is being absorbs instead and only about 5% or less of the vitamins and minerals are being absorbed. Thus the reason why your body goes haywire like your kidneys, lungs, blood pressure, cholesterol, heart, headaches, feeling tired, weight gain, etc.
The cost: maybe $10 in natural herbs if you google for a good homemade recipes for a colon cleanse. Or you can buy it all ready prepared by a company. Can be costly. I used Colonix and it was very good. Cost for Colonix 3 month system: about $177. Work just as good as the homemade without the hassle of mixing the herbs. I recommend either one.
How to cleanse system of marajuiana?
to pass a drug test ofpotHow to cleanse system of marajuiana?
Take goldenseal and cranberyy pills at least three times a day for AT LEAST four to five days before the test, with LOTS of water. do not take them the day of the test, but take a multi-vitamin to help hide that you flushed your system so that it isn't 'diluted'. It is not true that taking goldenseal the day of the test will work.How to cleanse system of marajuiana?
i forget
take a package of sure-jell and drink half gallon of water the night before ( can buy sure jell at local super market) then drink a cup of coffee, soda, etc to give urine color an hour before drug test.
STOP smoking it.
Time and lots of water.
Well, if you knew you were getting tested, you shouldn't have smoked it BUT... my aunt told me a way. She's really big on drugs unfortunately... so I'm sure she knows a few tricks. She smoked a bunch of weed the night before her drug test, and she had a 1 hour car ride to go get the test, and on the way she drank about 2 gallons of water, and she passed her test. But that was about 10 years ago, the tests are probably much better now.headache
Take goldenseal and cranberyy pills at least three times a day for AT LEAST four to five days before the test, with LOTS of water. do not take them the day of the test, but take a multi-vitamin to help hide that you flushed your system so that it isn't 'diluted'. It is not true that taking goldenseal the day of the test will work.How to cleanse system of marajuiana?
i forget
take a package of sure-jell and drink half gallon of water the night before ( can buy sure jell at local super market) then drink a cup of coffee, soda, etc to give urine color an hour before drug test.
STOP smoking it.
Time and lots of water.
Well, if you knew you were getting tested, you shouldn't have smoked it BUT... my aunt told me a way. She's really big on drugs unfortunately... so I'm sure she knows a few tricks. She smoked a bunch of weed the night before her drug test, and she had a 1 hour car ride to go get the test, and on the way she drank about 2 gallons of water, and she passed her test. But that was about 10 years ago, the tests are probably much better now.
Does colon cleanse help you lose weight? ive heard people have lost 10-20 pounds using this...?
thanks =DDoes colon cleanse help you lose weight? ive heard people have lost 10-20 pounds using this...?
My sister used it 1,5 month ago and she lost about 8 lbs , I guess for people who lose 10 - 20 must be someone who really fat . I used it 1 months ago after seeing my sister lost weight because i dont always believe in all the diet supplement . But yeah it helps. Depends on people though.
I know they still have a trial now, check this link www.heavenlifenow.com because last saturday my friend bought it and she had 2 free bottles or something.
But not only supplement u have to know what to eat too.
About food, do not starve yourself , eat a lot but the right food. The only way to loose weight fast is to raise your metabolism, to burn more fat. not to starve yourself because your body is very intellident, it can detect when you are lack of calories from food and makes u feel sleepy to restore calories for the body.
Eat negative calories or high fiber food: Asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, lettuce %26amp; zucchini. Because these food require a lot of calories to digest so in return the more you eat the more calories you can burn without doing anything.
Fruits that are good for you are apple, grapefruit ( as much as possible , no harm ) or any other type of citrus like pomelo or orange.
Eat many small meals rather than 2 or 3 big meals. Because if u do so you will get your body to work all the time to digest the food and it will keep your body digestion up =%26gt; burn more calories.
Drink a lot of green tea. Good for your health, delicious and high antioxident. Not only for weight loss but also for better looking skin.
Go to sauna or swimming, dogwalking if ur lazy. Keep yourself active even when ur lazy :-D .
Spicy food help boost metabolism.
Eat more fish and beef, mincemeat . if you eat chicken dont eat the skin.
Drink omega 3 fish oil supplement to have better concentration and memory, and omega 3 fish oil helps the body to prevent restore fat.
You can check here for more explanation about this, the best article about diet and i saved it in my favorite. http://www.squidoo.com/howtoraisemetabol鈥?/a>Does colon cleanse help you lose weight? ive heard people have lost 10-20 pounds using this...?
Well, all it does is get the poop particles out of your intestines. So, yah, you may lose some weight but I think 10-20lbs is on the high end.
However, despite the amount of weight you may lose, it won't make you look any skinner since it's not fat your losing (just poop). So unless your a fighter trying to make weight, or doing for health reasons, it's not helpful for real weight loss.
My sister used it 1,5 month ago and she lost about 8 lbs , I guess for people who lose 10 - 20 must be someone who really fat . I used it 1 months ago after seeing my sister lost weight because i dont always believe in all the diet supplement . But yeah it helps. Depends on people though.
I know they still have a trial now, check this link www.heavenlifenow.com because last saturday my friend bought it and she had 2 free bottles or something.
But not only supplement u have to know what to eat too.
About food, do not starve yourself , eat a lot but the right food. The only way to loose weight fast is to raise your metabolism, to burn more fat. not to starve yourself because your body is very intellident, it can detect when you are lack of calories from food and makes u feel sleepy to restore calories for the body.
Eat negative calories or high fiber food: Asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, lettuce %26amp; zucchini. Because these food require a lot of calories to digest so in return the more you eat the more calories you can burn without doing anything.
Fruits that are good for you are apple, grapefruit ( as much as possible , no harm ) or any other type of citrus like pomelo or orange.
Eat many small meals rather than 2 or 3 big meals. Because if u do so you will get your body to work all the time to digest the food and it will keep your body digestion up =%26gt; burn more calories.
Drink a lot of green tea. Good for your health, delicious and high antioxident. Not only for weight loss but also for better looking skin.
Go to sauna or swimming, dogwalking if ur lazy. Keep yourself active even when ur lazy :-D .
Spicy food help boost metabolism.
Eat more fish and beef, mincemeat . if you eat chicken dont eat the skin.
Drink omega 3 fish oil supplement to have better concentration and memory, and omega 3 fish oil helps the body to prevent restore fat.
You can check here for more explanation about this, the best article about diet and i saved it in my favorite. http://www.squidoo.com/howtoraisemetabol鈥?/a>Does colon cleanse help you lose weight? ive heard people have lost 10-20 pounds using this...?
Well, all it does is get the poop particles out of your intestines. So, yah, you may lose some weight but I think 10-20lbs is on the high end.
However, despite the amount of weight you may lose, it won't make you look any skinner since it's not fat your losing (just poop). So unless your a fighter trying to make weight, or doing for health reasons, it's not helpful for real weight loss.
Would a rain for 40 days and nights cleanse the present day world?
We'd still have people on the space station. :D Not to mention we have better boats now.Would a rain for 40 days and nights cleanse the present day world?
A rain for 40 days= A SNOW for 40 days where I am.
So that would be a no.Would a rain for 40 days and nights cleanse the present day world?
Yes, but the lord wouldn`t do that(says the rainbow).
no, but t would make it awfully muddy....
Not even !
In 2014 it will rain continuously for 20 consecutive days, due to a disturbance caused by an asteroid.Rain will flood the earth and cause disasters all over the world.The quran said so,you don't believe it?then research it.That is one of the signs of the return of mahdi,and jesus to cleanse the earth of evil.
nope dont think so
No for god made a promise that it will never rain that much thats whats the rainbow for. (its in the bible)
Temporarily, if you think about it, it would then make the present day world you talk of moldy. Good luck on that science project.
uh no.
itd make it worse.
even though i love rain.
and would like it rain for 40 days%26amp;night
life would be screwed over.
noo!! the world is full of so many ****. rain wouldn't cleanse all of that. i mean if your religious and you feel that way, by all means, but i personally think that it wouldn't.
Well, hopefully it would ceanse the world of questions like this one.
Perhaps if it all fell on the Prez, but then again his IQ would still be 91
hell no
hell no.
Cleanse?? It would create an even bigger mess!
no ... it would make it worse
all the FLOODING .. duhh
lmao its totally possible but not so likely...
1 -- 2 -- 3-- ****4*** -- 5-- 6-- 7-- 8-- 9 -- 10
four on the one to ten scale %26lt;3
No, it would just be very wet out.
With all the problems we have....it will take more than that!
i dont know but the sewers would probubly over flow and we would probubly drownd
No, just add to global warming and cause us all to head for higher ground.
i doubt it.
the world would be pretty pissed, though, i suppose.
Unfortunately, it will take alot more than 40 days %26amp; nights of rain to cleanse the world as it is today!
40 days %26amp; nights of solid prayer might help though!
No, because there's still going to be pollution when its over, afterwards. There's still going to be husbands cheating on wifes/ wifes cheating on husbands. People are still going to hate. ETC. People cant escape human nature since its our nature.
Nope, we already had that here in Hawaii. I just moved here and like a day later we had months of straight rain.
Didn't do anything.
you mean flood the place and cause mud flows? then yes, it would
i don't think so
i think it would drown the current world
A rain for 40 days= A SNOW for 40 days where I am.
So that would be a no.Would a rain for 40 days and nights cleanse the present day world?
Yes, but the lord wouldn`t do that(says the rainbow).
no, but t would make it awfully muddy....
Not even !
In 2014 it will rain continuously for 20 consecutive days, due to a disturbance caused by an asteroid.Rain will flood the earth and cause disasters all over the world.The quran said so,you don't believe it?then research it.That is one of the signs of the return of mahdi,and jesus to cleanse the earth of evil.
nope dont think so
No for god made a promise that it will never rain that much thats whats the rainbow for. (its in the bible)
Temporarily, if you think about it, it would then make the present day world you talk of moldy. Good luck on that science project.
uh no.
itd make it worse.
even though i love rain.
and would like it rain for 40 days%26amp;night
life would be screwed over.
noo!! the world is full of so many ****. rain wouldn't cleanse all of that. i mean if your religious and you feel that way, by all means, but i personally think that it wouldn't.
Well, hopefully it would ceanse the world of questions like this one.
Perhaps if it all fell on the Prez, but then again his IQ would still be 91
hell no
hell no.
Cleanse?? It would create an even bigger mess!
no ... it would make it worse
all the FLOODING .. duhh
lmao its totally possible but not so likely...
1 -- 2 -- 3-- ****4*** -- 5-- 6-- 7-- 8-- 9 -- 10
four on the one to ten scale %26lt;3
No, it would just be very wet out.
With all the problems we have....it will take more than that!
i dont know but the sewers would probubly over flow and we would probubly drownd
No, just add to global warming and cause us all to head for higher ground.
i doubt it.
the world would be pretty pissed, though, i suppose.
Unfortunately, it will take alot more than 40 days %26amp; nights of rain to cleanse the world as it is today!
40 days %26amp; nights of solid prayer might help though!
No, because there's still going to be pollution when its over, afterwards. There's still going to be husbands cheating on wifes/ wifes cheating on husbands. People are still going to hate. ETC. People cant escape human nature since its our nature.
Nope, we already had that here in Hawaii. I just moved here and like a day later we had months of straight rain.
Didn't do anything.
you mean flood the place and cause mud flows? then yes, it would
i don't think so
i think it would drown the current world
What is the correct medical term for being cleansed while being incarcerated in the sleeping quarters?
Bed bath.What is the correct medical term for being cleansed while being incarcerated in the sleeping quarters?
DecontaminationWhat is the correct medical term for being cleansed while being incarcerated in the sleeping quarters?
Rohypnol isn't always seen in that light madam :)
Deeply sensual.............
DecontaminationWhat is the correct medical term for being cleansed while being incarcerated in the sleeping quarters?
Rohypnol isn't always seen in that light madam :)
Deeply sensual.............
The master cleanse/lemonade diet/ fast..heard of it?
Ok so im considering doing this cleanse deal and i have some questions....
Some blogs say to do the salt water flush everyday... is that what i need to do? I'm a waitress and i can't be running to ';the John'; every twenty mins for the next ten days... so how does this work?
Honestly.. thats my main concern... so if you have done this and can tell me what to expect... that would be great.The master cleanse/lemonade diet/ fast..heard of it?
Check out simplechoicesdiet.com it is a cleansing website and has free info.The master cleanse/lemonade diet/ fast..heard of it?
fad diets dont work sorry. eat fresh vegetables and fruits, limit amount of red meats, drink plenty of water and juice.
Some blogs say to do the salt water flush everyday... is that what i need to do? I'm a waitress and i can't be running to ';the John'; every twenty mins for the next ten days... so how does this work?
Honestly.. thats my main concern... so if you have done this and can tell me what to expect... that would be great.The master cleanse/lemonade diet/ fast..heard of it?
Check out simplechoicesdiet.com it is a cleansing website and has free info.The master cleanse/lemonade diet/ fast..heard of it?
fad diets dont work sorry. eat fresh vegetables and fruits, limit amount of red meats, drink plenty of water and juice.
Master cleanse, what it does, how it works....please tell?
THe master cleanse of lemon juice, maple syryp, cayanne pepper and green tea does what? i am starting tomorrow.......but want experiences and such. thanks.Master cleanse, what it does, how it works....please tell?
This type of detox is extremely unhealthy and most physicians would not recommend this. It doesn't work. You only loose water weight, so after you're done ';cleansing'; and start eating food again, you'll gain all the weight back. Believe me, I know. I tried it a couple of years ago, lost 10 lbs, and gained it back within the same month. I was starving the entire time, thrilled when it was over and frustrated when I gained the weight back
If you're looking to loose weight, good old fashioned exercise and healthy eating will give you longer lasting results. I've lost 10 lbs with diet and exercise alone and have kept it off for a year now.Master cleanse, what it does, how it works....please tell?
I agree with the other answer: It is usually not recommended by doctors and health professionals because it is, in the long run, damaging to your insides - especially if you do it for more than a week (it is possible and safe enough to do it for the 'recommended' 8-9 days, but isn't too good for you).
I tried it for a few days and not boasting, but I'm strong and disciplined when it comes to doing things that prove your weaknesses. I can usually stay strong and don't find intense plans too difficult.
However, I could not stand the master cleanse. Mainly because the salt water you drink is absolutely revolting. Not to mention, the salt water drink can literally make you physically ill and in some cases critical, from drinking it! Would you go to the beach and drink the water from there? Most people would think not, because other people near them could have peed there, or maybe because there are dead sea animal in there or something. The real point is because the actual sea salt water can make you sick and is really bad for you. Although it claims to be 'filling' and cleanse your insides to stimulate your bowels, it is toxin-accumulating. And that's quite funny because the whole point is to cleanse the system!
Overall, the diet is completely up to you. But the best possible advice: To visit your local health shop (or even email them if you don't want to talk face to face) and tell them you would like to go on a detox. Therefore, they can set you up on one with similar (but safe!) effects as the master cleanse, but you know you will get better, long term results.
I know you don't want to hear it, but please don't go on this diet. You will in all probability lose weight, but you will regain everything and slow down your metabolism in the process. Please consider losing the weight a bit slower, but for good.
cleanse diets are a scam and arent not backed by any clinical data. if you want to lose weight just improved the quality of your daily calorie intake and make sure you are getting all of your nutrients.
This type of detox is extremely unhealthy and most physicians would not recommend this. It doesn't work. You only loose water weight, so after you're done ';cleansing'; and start eating food again, you'll gain all the weight back. Believe me, I know. I tried it a couple of years ago, lost 10 lbs, and gained it back within the same month. I was starving the entire time, thrilled when it was over and frustrated when I gained the weight back
If you're looking to loose weight, good old fashioned exercise and healthy eating will give you longer lasting results. I've lost 10 lbs with diet and exercise alone and have kept it off for a year now.Master cleanse, what it does, how it works....please tell?
I agree with the other answer: It is usually not recommended by doctors and health professionals because it is, in the long run, damaging to your insides - especially if you do it for more than a week (it is possible and safe enough to do it for the 'recommended' 8-9 days, but isn't too good for you).
I tried it for a few days and not boasting, but I'm strong and disciplined when it comes to doing things that prove your weaknesses. I can usually stay strong and don't find intense plans too difficult.
However, I could not stand the master cleanse. Mainly because the salt water you drink is absolutely revolting. Not to mention, the salt water drink can literally make you physically ill and in some cases critical, from drinking it! Would you go to the beach and drink the water from there? Most people would think not, because other people near them could have peed there, or maybe because there are dead sea animal in there or something. The real point is because the actual sea salt water can make you sick and is really bad for you. Although it claims to be 'filling' and cleanse your insides to stimulate your bowels, it is toxin-accumulating. And that's quite funny because the whole point is to cleanse the system!
Overall, the diet is completely up to you. But the best possible advice: To visit your local health shop (or even email them if you don't want to talk face to face) and tell them you would like to go on a detox. Therefore, they can set you up on one with similar (but safe!) effects as the master cleanse, but you know you will get better, long term results.
I know you don't want to hear it, but please don't go on this diet. You will in all probability lose weight, but you will regain everything and slow down your metabolism in the process. Please consider losing the weight a bit slower, but for good.
cleanse diets are a scam and arent not backed by any clinical data. if you want to lose weight just improved the quality of your daily calorie intake and make sure you are getting all of your nutrients.
Liver Cleansing Diet? Do you recommend it?
I think I can last 1 or 2 days on just crips fruits/veggies and water, and maybe a week or so without eating fatty fried foods..
Is it worth it to try?
Is it worth it to start the diet if I'm going to revert to 'regular' foods after a week or so?
It's hard to stay away from fried foods and red meat for too long since that's how my cafeteria prepares most of it's food.Liver Cleansing Diet? Do you recommend it?
No,it's nonsense.headache
Is it worth it to try?
Is it worth it to start the diet if I'm going to revert to 'regular' foods after a week or so?
It's hard to stay away from fried foods and red meat for too long since that's how my cafeteria prepares most of it's food.Liver Cleansing Diet? Do you recommend it?
No,it's nonsense.
Correct cleansing & debridement of a diabetic foot ulcer?
My mom has a ulcer on her heel. She is diabetic, 65 yrs old %26amp; has peripheral neuropathy too. Need some info on successful debridement of the ulcer. It is infected and has some black areas and white areas.
And please don't tell me to see the doc. Already went to E.R. and they prescibed oral antibiotics and told us to clean and treat her ulcer.
But didn't give us any helpful info.....I know ';big help'; they are.
I would appreciate any helpful info u can give me or if u know of a good website that u can direct me too.
Thank youCorrect cleansing %26amp; debridement of a diabetic foot ulcer?
you were treated terribly. Care of the diabetic foot should be done professionally. They should at least direct you to instruction on this. Ask the office if she qualifies in any way for a nurse to come do this or teach you how do to this properly. Best wishes.Correct cleansing %26amp; debridement of a diabetic foot ulcer?
She really should see a wound care expert or someone trained to care for diabetic ulcers. If something is done to the foot from info you got on here, she could lose her foot, or leg. Don't ask important things like that here!
Cleaning and debridement should be done by a podiatrist. Does your mom have medical insurance? Most of them will pay for this.
If you absolutely can't get it done at a podiatrist, contact one and try to purchase a cream called Accuzyme.
After washing the foot, apply the cream to the ulcer and cover it. The cream will kill the damaged skin and help it to be scraped off. (That is what debridement means).
Keep the ulcer wrapped and stay off of it as much as possible.
Every 24 hours, you uncover the ulcer, soak it in warm water with Betadine in it, and then scrape the dead skin off the ulcer. Mostly it will be around the edges but you have to scrape across the ulcer too, if there is any dead skin there. Whatever you use to scrape with has to be sterilized before each use with Betadine or alcohol. Ask the podiatrist what to use to scrape.
After, reapply fresh Accuzyme and cover the ulcer again. I used gauze pads and the sticks-to-itself wrapping, then covered it with an Ace bandage. If your mom doesn't have to go to work and walk around on it, the Ace bandage probably isn't necessary.
I don't have to tell you to keep everything sterile, wash the basin she soaks her foot in every day, and wash your hands before touching anything.
Good luck!
the general rule is, if it's wet, you want it to be dry, and if it's dry you want it to be moist. most diabetic foot ulcers are oozy... but it sound like it may have some necrotic (dead) tissue around it and perhaps a scab over it. the dead tissue has to be removed... however it's done (whether by cutting it off or trying to debride it otherwise). if she has diabetes and peripherial neuropathy then she may not be very well off. it takes these wounds a LONG time (months) to heal. she really should see a wound care specialist. the ER is not the place to go in this situation, since it's a one time visit for an essentially chronic condition. they can get infected, can lead to bone infection, and lead to loss of the limb. a wound care doc can help you to find the right things (most regular docs are not well trained in this), in order to have the most efficient/fastest healing possible.
And please don't tell me to see the doc. Already went to E.R. and they prescibed oral antibiotics and told us to clean and treat her ulcer.
But didn't give us any helpful info.....I know ';big help'; they are.
I would appreciate any helpful info u can give me or if u know of a good website that u can direct me too.
Thank youCorrect cleansing %26amp; debridement of a diabetic foot ulcer?
you were treated terribly. Care of the diabetic foot should be done professionally. They should at least direct you to instruction on this. Ask the office if she qualifies in any way for a nurse to come do this or teach you how do to this properly. Best wishes.Correct cleansing %26amp; debridement of a diabetic foot ulcer?
She really should see a wound care expert or someone trained to care for diabetic ulcers. If something is done to the foot from info you got on here, she could lose her foot, or leg. Don't ask important things like that here!
Cleaning and debridement should be done by a podiatrist. Does your mom have medical insurance? Most of them will pay for this.
If you absolutely can't get it done at a podiatrist, contact one and try to purchase a cream called Accuzyme.
After washing the foot, apply the cream to the ulcer and cover it. The cream will kill the damaged skin and help it to be scraped off. (That is what debridement means).
Keep the ulcer wrapped and stay off of it as much as possible.
Every 24 hours, you uncover the ulcer, soak it in warm water with Betadine in it, and then scrape the dead skin off the ulcer. Mostly it will be around the edges but you have to scrape across the ulcer too, if there is any dead skin there. Whatever you use to scrape with has to be sterilized before each use with Betadine or alcohol. Ask the podiatrist what to use to scrape.
After, reapply fresh Accuzyme and cover the ulcer again. I used gauze pads and the sticks-to-itself wrapping, then covered it with an Ace bandage. If your mom doesn't have to go to work and walk around on it, the Ace bandage probably isn't necessary.
I don't have to tell you to keep everything sterile, wash the basin she soaks her foot in every day, and wash your hands before touching anything.
Good luck!
the general rule is, if it's wet, you want it to be dry, and if it's dry you want it to be moist. most diabetic foot ulcers are oozy... but it sound like it may have some necrotic (dead) tissue around it and perhaps a scab over it. the dead tissue has to be removed... however it's done (whether by cutting it off or trying to debride it otherwise). if she has diabetes and peripherial neuropathy then she may not be very well off. it takes these wounds a LONG time (months) to heal. she really should see a wound care specialist. the ER is not the place to go in this situation, since it's a one time visit for an essentially chronic condition. they can get infected, can lead to bone infection, and lead to loss of the limb. a wound care doc can help you to find the right things (most regular docs are not well trained in this), in order to have the most efficient/fastest healing possible.
Face cleansing routine for 19 / male?
Hello there
I have had problems with mild but persistant (and unsightly and annoying and eurgh) white outbreaks for the past three years and I have tried as many combinations of things as I can afford; no success. I think I have dry skin.
These don't work for me:
Clean and Clear
Dove 'moisturising' bar soap (proved to be the worst)
Just rinsing face with warm or cold water
I am wondering if I should moisturise and what I should use to do that. I have purchased Cetaphil cleanser and am waiting for the delivery, but cannot find the moisturiser (for UK delivery). When I use lotion, I fear that I am just blocking up pores, but when I leave my skin dry, I assume the body just creates more oil.
Also, if I am to use a flannel/washcloth, is it okay to just handwash it with Dettol or some other disinfectant after I've used it?
Many thanks!Face cleansing routine for 19 / male?
The best way to deal with mild, however recurrent, acne or other skin problems is through everyday cleansing procedures. My dermatologist suggested that I use Cetaphil soap (the bar, not the liquid) every morning and evening. This is to be followed by a then layer of moisturizer. He suggested Cetaphil moisturizer but gave me a sample of an OTC product, Cerave. I tried both and preferred the Cerave. Cerave is an extended-release moisturizer that keeps your skin hydrated all day, however, I'm not sure of the cost as I was given a sample. Its also important that you know that oily skin and moisturized skin are not the same thing. Even people with oily skin should use a moisturizer formulated for oily skin. Moisturizers hydrate (with water) and oily skin is the result of too much oil production within the pores. There are some lotions out there that can clog pores, but stick to the ones I mentioned and you'll be fine. And I'm sorry, but I don't know the answer to your last question :S
I have had problems with mild but persistant (and unsightly and annoying and eurgh) white outbreaks for the past three years and I have tried as many combinations of things as I can afford; no success. I think I have dry skin.
These don't work for me:
Clean and Clear
Dove 'moisturising' bar soap (proved to be the worst)
Just rinsing face with warm or cold water
I am wondering if I should moisturise and what I should use to do that. I have purchased Cetaphil cleanser and am waiting for the delivery, but cannot find the moisturiser (for UK delivery). When I use lotion, I fear that I am just blocking up pores, but when I leave my skin dry, I assume the body just creates more oil.
Also, if I am to use a flannel/washcloth, is it okay to just handwash it with Dettol or some other disinfectant after I've used it?
Many thanks!Face cleansing routine for 19 / male?
The best way to deal with mild, however recurrent, acne or other skin problems is through everyday cleansing procedures. My dermatologist suggested that I use Cetaphil soap (the bar, not the liquid) every morning and evening. This is to be followed by a then layer of moisturizer. He suggested Cetaphil moisturizer but gave me a sample of an OTC product, Cerave. I tried both and preferred the Cerave. Cerave is an extended-release moisturizer that keeps your skin hydrated all day, however, I'm not sure of the cost as I was given a sample. Its also important that you know that oily skin and moisturized skin are not the same thing. Even people with oily skin should use a moisturizer formulated for oily skin. Moisturizers hydrate (with water) and oily skin is the result of too much oil production within the pores. There are some lotions out there that can clog pores, but stick to the ones I mentioned and you'll be fine. And I'm sorry, but I don't know the answer to your last question :S
Is the conflict between Israel & the Palestinians a war or a slaughter-ethnic cleansing- & the US support it?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsXCbaN3N鈥?/a>Is the conflict between Israel %26amp; the Palestinians a war or a slaughter-ethnic cleansing- %26amp; the US support it?
It is US sponsored ethnic cleansing.Is the conflict between Israel %26amp; the Palestinians a war or a slaughter-ethnic cleansing- %26amp; the US support it?
If Israel was into ethnic cleansing, the Palestinians would only be remembered in memorials.
What would you call it when Israel has continued supplying electricity to Gaza, and have sent in medical and other supplies to help the civilian casualties in Gaza?
What a gross distortion of reality to ascribe the traits of the Hamas-scum to the Israelis.
There is no ethnic cleansing, it is basically Israel defending itself against terrorists, just like every other country in the world is allowed to do. Only these terrorists go by the name of Hamas. Like we are after the Taliban, and Al-queda.
The minute Israel does it, they are calling it ethnic cleansing, genocide, and every other ugly word you can use to call a terrorist something other than a terrorist.
When Israel suits up and flies halfway round the world to engage hijackers, that is ok, but when Israel has to deal with a problem in their backyard they are being called terrorists and worse.
Israel has a right to be doing what they are doing and the right wing media, needs to take a prozac and relax. Israel is going to defend itself, it always has and always will take care of itself regardless of the press or world opinion.
In a slaughter house, the chickens don't have weapons to defend themselves with, and its not a matter of ethnic cleansing because there are Arabs that live in Israel, and who aren't being killed.
What, really now, what is the correct response when being shot at by a group that is proud of telling the Israelis that they will go to their graves in Gaza? Do we tell them how to reset their sights so they can kill them better?
Liberals are not proPalestinian, neither are conservatives, this isn't that sort of politics.
Its a war between a bunch of terrorists hiding behind civilians to launch rockets into a legitimate state. Only pathetic morons can't understand that if you insist on hitting someone they are going to hit back.
I understand that terrorism is a business proposition, fire a rocket get in line for a handout...but be prepared to get your little a$$ kicked in.
The population of Arabs (and I assume most of those are Palestineans) in Gaza is approximately 1.4 million.
To this date, the Israelis have killed about 500 Palestineans, depending on which numbers you cite as accurate. Let's assume that for argument's sake, that none of these 500 were terrorists (which in my opinion would make them legitimate targets. I would hardly call 500 out of 1,400,000 ';ethnic cleansing';, or if it is, they are doing a pretty damned poor job of it. Furthermore, Israelis have already stated that the loss of civilian life in Gaza is regrettable. Doesn't sound like someone who has ethnic cleansing as a goal would say that the loss of life of the cleasnee is regrettable.
Gee, they bombed Israel for 8 years and sent suicide bombers for a lot longer. The US would have wiped them out 8 years ago. The Israelis are too nice and too concerned about sparing people. We would have continued to bomb them like we did in Iraq instead of risking troops door to door to keep down civilian casualties.
I think the following article says a lot.
First I saw a young protester telling a CNN reporter in Trafalgar Square, ';Every single day, as soon as we turn on the TV, we see children there die in the hospitals, adults dying, children dying on the floor. Why, why, why? Why do children have to die? Why do innocent children have to die on the floor? Why?';
And I thought, She's right, those children in Gaza are innocent, every human life is precious, civilians aren't combatants. Doesn't everyone deserve basic human rights like food and water and life itself?
But then I thought, Where was she when 80 or 90 Hamas rockets a day were raining down on Israel? Where were all the television cameras when innocent children in Ashkelon and Sderot were being maimed and killed?
But then I saw pictures of massive devastation in Gaza on the front pages of the newspapers, and I thought, What good does it do if Israel appears to act like its enemies?
But then I heard Shimon Peres tell George Stephanopoulos that Hamas ';did things which are unprecedented in the history even of terror. They made mosques into headquarters. They put bombs in the kindergartens, in their own homes. They are hiding in hospitals.'; Where were all the people of Gaza rising up in outrage when Hamas used them as human shields?
Then I heard Palestinian negotiator Hannan Ashwari say that Gaza was a secondary issue, that the real imperative was to reach a lasting political agreement, not a temporary military outcome, and I thought, She's right, there will be no peace and security for Israel unless a viable two-state solution is reached.
But then I read a blog by Atlantic writer Jeffrey Goldberg recounting his interview with Nizzar Rayyan, the Hamas leader who was killed by Israeli bombs last week. ';This is what he said when I asked him if he could envision a 50-year hudna (or cease-fire) with Israel: 'The only reason to have a hudna is to prepare yourself for the final battle. We don't need 50 years to prepare ourselves for the final battle with Israel.' There is no chance, he said, that true Islam would ever allow a Jewish state to survive in the Muslim Middle East. 'Israel is an impossibility. It is an offense against God... You [Jews] are murderers of the prophets and you have closed your ears to the Messenger of Allah.... Jews tried to kill the Prophet, peace be unto him. All throughout history, you have stood in opposition to the word of God.'';
And I thought, How can you negotiate with people who reject your nation's right to exist, and whose version of religion calls you a murderous race? If someone claimed that the best way for America to deal with Bin Laden is to reach a political agreement with al-Qaeda, I'd say that they're nuts, that there can be no negotiation or accommodation with people lusting for a final battle to rid your people from the earth.
Its defending themselves. Why dont you worry about the Congo where 5 million people have already died?
Hamas loves it when their own people die and they get great international coverage of it. They store their weapons near and around civilians in the hopes they get bombed. Hamas is responsible for any deaths that happen in Gaza.
What would you do if someone kept breaking into your house, hurting your family and you knew who it was?
Try to sit down and talk to them again even though youve tried and failed before and noone else will do anything about it?
Or take care of it yourself?
Im so sick and tired of the liberal bleeding hearts that dont have a clue.
Technically not ethnic cleansing yet but overkill, self defense. Just look at the imbalanced body counts among other things. I have no doubt that if the rest of the world were not watching their would be Darfur like consequences the Palestinians.
Try watching this one and see how much sympathy you have for the Hamas scum.
How many times does it have to be repeated before you understand?
Israel is not fighting the Palestinians. They are trying to disarm Hamas.
It is a WAR that Israel DID NOT START....pity that the foolish just SPEW from the Liberal media without looking at FACTS
Why do you hide your face?
It's called self defense.
Yes, its an ethnic cleansing.Most people ignore that only Jews can buy land on Israel.
It is US sponsored ethnic cleansing.Is the conflict between Israel %26amp; the Palestinians a war or a slaughter-ethnic cleansing- %26amp; the US support it?
If Israel was into ethnic cleansing, the Palestinians would only be remembered in memorials.
What would you call it when Israel has continued supplying electricity to Gaza, and have sent in medical and other supplies to help the civilian casualties in Gaza?
What a gross distortion of reality to ascribe the traits of the Hamas-scum to the Israelis.
There is no ethnic cleansing, it is basically Israel defending itself against terrorists, just like every other country in the world is allowed to do. Only these terrorists go by the name of Hamas. Like we are after the Taliban, and Al-queda.
The minute Israel does it, they are calling it ethnic cleansing, genocide, and every other ugly word you can use to call a terrorist something other than a terrorist.
When Israel suits up and flies halfway round the world to engage hijackers, that is ok, but when Israel has to deal with a problem in their backyard they are being called terrorists and worse.
Israel has a right to be doing what they are doing and the right wing media, needs to take a prozac and relax. Israel is going to defend itself, it always has and always will take care of itself regardless of the press or world opinion.
In a slaughter house, the chickens don't have weapons to defend themselves with, and its not a matter of ethnic cleansing because there are Arabs that live in Israel, and who aren't being killed.
What, really now, what is the correct response when being shot at by a group that is proud of telling the Israelis that they will go to their graves in Gaza? Do we tell them how to reset their sights so they can kill them better?
Liberals are not proPalestinian, neither are conservatives, this isn't that sort of politics.
Its a war between a bunch of terrorists hiding behind civilians to launch rockets into a legitimate state. Only pathetic morons can't understand that if you insist on hitting someone they are going to hit back.
I understand that terrorism is a business proposition, fire a rocket get in line for a handout...but be prepared to get your little a$$ kicked in.
The population of Arabs (and I assume most of those are Palestineans) in Gaza is approximately 1.4 million.
To this date, the Israelis have killed about 500 Palestineans, depending on which numbers you cite as accurate. Let's assume that for argument's sake, that none of these 500 were terrorists (which in my opinion would make them legitimate targets. I would hardly call 500 out of 1,400,000 ';ethnic cleansing';, or if it is, they are doing a pretty damned poor job of it. Furthermore, Israelis have already stated that the loss of civilian life in Gaza is regrettable. Doesn't sound like someone who has ethnic cleansing as a goal would say that the loss of life of the cleasnee is regrettable.
Gee, they bombed Israel for 8 years and sent suicide bombers for a lot longer. The US would have wiped them out 8 years ago. The Israelis are too nice and too concerned about sparing people. We would have continued to bomb them like we did in Iraq instead of risking troops door to door to keep down civilian casualties.
I think the following article says a lot.
First I saw a young protester telling a CNN reporter in Trafalgar Square, ';Every single day, as soon as we turn on the TV, we see children there die in the hospitals, adults dying, children dying on the floor. Why, why, why? Why do children have to die? Why do innocent children have to die on the floor? Why?';
And I thought, She's right, those children in Gaza are innocent, every human life is precious, civilians aren't combatants. Doesn't everyone deserve basic human rights like food and water and life itself?
But then I thought, Where was she when 80 or 90 Hamas rockets a day were raining down on Israel? Where were all the television cameras when innocent children in Ashkelon and Sderot were being maimed and killed?
But then I saw pictures of massive devastation in Gaza on the front pages of the newspapers, and I thought, What good does it do if Israel appears to act like its enemies?
But then I heard Shimon Peres tell George Stephanopoulos that Hamas ';did things which are unprecedented in the history even of terror. They made mosques into headquarters. They put bombs in the kindergartens, in their own homes. They are hiding in hospitals.'; Where were all the people of Gaza rising up in outrage when Hamas used them as human shields?
Then I heard Palestinian negotiator Hannan Ashwari say that Gaza was a secondary issue, that the real imperative was to reach a lasting political agreement, not a temporary military outcome, and I thought, She's right, there will be no peace and security for Israel unless a viable two-state solution is reached.
But then I read a blog by Atlantic writer Jeffrey Goldberg recounting his interview with Nizzar Rayyan, the Hamas leader who was killed by Israeli bombs last week. ';This is what he said when I asked him if he could envision a 50-year hudna (or cease-fire) with Israel: 'The only reason to have a hudna is to prepare yourself for the final battle. We don't need 50 years to prepare ourselves for the final battle with Israel.' There is no chance, he said, that true Islam would ever allow a Jewish state to survive in the Muslim Middle East. 'Israel is an impossibility. It is an offense against God... You [Jews] are murderers of the prophets and you have closed your ears to the Messenger of Allah.... Jews tried to kill the Prophet, peace be unto him. All throughout history, you have stood in opposition to the word of God.'';
And I thought, How can you negotiate with people who reject your nation's right to exist, and whose version of religion calls you a murderous race? If someone claimed that the best way for America to deal with Bin Laden is to reach a political agreement with al-Qaeda, I'd say that they're nuts, that there can be no negotiation or accommodation with people lusting for a final battle to rid your people from the earth.
Its defending themselves. Why dont you worry about the Congo where 5 million people have already died?
Hamas loves it when their own people die and they get great international coverage of it. They store their weapons near and around civilians in the hopes they get bombed. Hamas is responsible for any deaths that happen in Gaza.
What would you do if someone kept breaking into your house, hurting your family and you knew who it was?
Try to sit down and talk to them again even though youve tried and failed before and noone else will do anything about it?
Or take care of it yourself?
Im so sick and tired of the liberal bleeding hearts that dont have a clue.
Technically not ethnic cleansing yet but overkill, self defense. Just look at the imbalanced body counts among other things. I have no doubt that if the rest of the world were not watching their would be Darfur like consequences the Palestinians.
Try watching this one and see how much sympathy you have for the Hamas scum.
How many times does it have to be repeated before you understand?
Israel is not fighting the Palestinians. They are trying to disarm Hamas.
It is a WAR that Israel DID NOT START....pity that the foolish just SPEW from the Liberal media without looking at FACTS
Why do you hide your face?
It's called self defense.
Yes, its an ethnic cleansing.Most people ignore that only Jews can buy land on Israel.
Catholics: Was Christ's sacrifice sufficient to cleanse us of all our sin?
With love,
AmyCatholics: Was Christ's sacrifice sufficient to cleanse us of all our sin?
yesCatholics: Was Christ's sacrifice sufficient to cleanse us of all our sin?
Yes, of course it was, and each of us is cleansed to the extent that we are open and receptive to the graces Christ offers us, some more than others. Obviously we must act in order to be fully cleansed, for if it were automatic, everyone would be totally cleansed, and everyone would go to heaven.
Yep. That's what Catholics believe and what the Church teaches -- there is no cleansing from sin EXCEPT for the blood of Jesus.
(If you're hinting around at purgatory, purgatory is the process during which Christ's blood is applied to the sinner's soul, purging us of all sin. Purge, purgatory -- get it?)
Absolutely. Christ's sacrifice cleansed the sins of the whole world. That's not to say, that just because of his sacrifice we get a free pass to heaven though. Salvation can be lost through sinfulness.
Yes it does!
But when we fail after that we need redemption. That is why Jesus gave us the Church to guide us and the Sacraments to keep us in the Grace of God even though we have a sinful nature.
Just answered a question about this here:http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;鈥?/a>
Yes, but you can reject Christ by choosing sins over Him. You have to put God first, you aren't supposed to love a certain sin more than Him, and you are supposed to follow Christ and his teachings.
Yes. But without the sacramental grace contained within the sacrament of reconciliation we cannot properly ask His forgiveness and be forgiven by His Passion and Cross
yes. well forgiven. the nails in His flesh are our sins. after His resurrection the only thing left on the cross is the holes from the nails. how do you think we repair those holes??
God bless
Yes, that is what the Catholic Church teaches
AmyCatholics: Was Christ's sacrifice sufficient to cleanse us of all our sin?
yesCatholics: Was Christ's sacrifice sufficient to cleanse us of all our sin?
Yes, of course it was, and each of us is cleansed to the extent that we are open and receptive to the graces Christ offers us, some more than others. Obviously we must act in order to be fully cleansed, for if it were automatic, everyone would be totally cleansed, and everyone would go to heaven.
Yep. That's what Catholics believe and what the Church teaches -- there is no cleansing from sin EXCEPT for the blood of Jesus.
(If you're hinting around at purgatory, purgatory is the process during which Christ's blood is applied to the sinner's soul, purging us of all sin. Purge, purgatory -- get it?)
Absolutely. Christ's sacrifice cleansed the sins of the whole world. That's not to say, that just because of his sacrifice we get a free pass to heaven though. Salvation can be lost through sinfulness.
Yes it does!
But when we fail after that we need redemption. That is why Jesus gave us the Church to guide us and the Sacraments to keep us in the Grace of God even though we have a sinful nature.
Just answered a question about this here:http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;鈥?/a>
Yes, but you can reject Christ by choosing sins over Him. You have to put God first, you aren't supposed to love a certain sin more than Him, and you are supposed to follow Christ and his teachings.
Yes. But without the sacramental grace contained within the sacrament of reconciliation we cannot properly ask His forgiveness and be forgiven by His Passion and Cross
yes. well forgiven. the nails in His flesh are our sins. after His resurrection the only thing left on the cross is the holes from the nails. how do you think we repair those holes??
God bless
Yes, that is what the Catholic Church teaches
Anyone know of a all natural lung cleanse?
i have breathing problems,, i have done the all natural liver and gallbladder cleanse,, is a lung cleane available,, and if you have done it did it workAnyone know of a all natural lung cleanse?
This is a good supplement for the lungs..heard many people testifying about how good it use. One is for bronchitis and one isn't so research and be sure to get the right one. Here is what they look like. http://www.nextag.com/clear-lungs-blue-1鈥?/a>
Linda Rector Page has some of the best books at there..
The first link is her main book with recommendations for hundreds of health problems. the second link is to her book detoxification and it contains a lung cleanse http://www.healthyhealing.com/product.es鈥?/a>
I also found a lung cleanse here. This is one of the best herbal companies selling only organic and wildcrafted bulk herbs. They also sell this lung cleanse formula..go here for information..
Also lobelia and wild cherry are lung herbs. also check curezone.com for advise and recommendations in the forums and herbdoc.com for formulas..best on the market
Good luck!
Also another good thing is to go on a juice fast. when I have a cold and have cloughed for weeks as I have great difficulty shaking them (didn't try the things I mentioned as didn't know then), I go on a juice fast and within a couple days I am well. I did take drops of certain essential oils with them..I think I took them from Linda lung cleanse suggestions. Use just real juiced produce, herb and green teas and potassium broth (recipe here)..make sure your bowels are working well by maybe taking intestinal cleanse one and two with the fast (herbdoc.com)Anyone know of a all natural lung cleanse?
Marshmallow Root - it will soothe the lungs and throat... I have never tried it long enough to see if it works, but an old girlfriend of mine swears by it
there's an interesting article on this group about cleaning the lungs. I have not tried it.
This is a good supplement for the lungs..heard many people testifying about how good it use. One is for bronchitis and one isn't so research and be sure to get the right one. Here is what they look like. http://www.nextag.com/clear-lungs-blue-1鈥?/a>
Linda Rector Page has some of the best books at there..
The first link is her main book with recommendations for hundreds of health problems. the second link is to her book detoxification and it contains a lung cleanse http://www.healthyhealing.com/product.es鈥?/a>
I also found a lung cleanse here. This is one of the best herbal companies selling only organic and wildcrafted bulk herbs. They also sell this lung cleanse formula..go here for information..
Also lobelia and wild cherry are lung herbs. also check curezone.com for advise and recommendations in the forums and herbdoc.com for formulas..best on the market
Good luck!
Also another good thing is to go on a juice fast. when I have a cold and have cloughed for weeks as I have great difficulty shaking them (didn't try the things I mentioned as didn't know then), I go on a juice fast and within a couple days I am well. I did take drops of certain essential oils with them..I think I took them from Linda lung cleanse suggestions. Use just real juiced produce, herb and green teas and potassium broth (recipe here)..make sure your bowels are working well by maybe taking intestinal cleanse one and two with the fast (herbdoc.com)Anyone know of a all natural lung cleanse?
Marshmallow Root - it will soothe the lungs and throat... I have never tried it long enough to see if it works, but an old girlfriend of mine swears by it
there's an interesting article on this group about cleaning the lungs. I have not tried it.
Healthy cleansing diets?
I would like to do a cleansing diet to get rid of all the toxins in my body. Please describe the diet in detail along with how much weight I will lose.Healthy cleansing diets?
Your body is perfectly well designed to get rid of toxins all by itself. Doing the so-called detox diets only tax your natural detox mechanisms more, and they are in general incredibly unhealthy for you. People that go on detox diets very often have major weight problems down the line because they slowed down their metabolisms. read the article below before you try it.Healthy cleansing diets?
When i need a ';detox'; - normally when i'm feeling reallly run down - i go onto my very own Soup, Stew and Smoothie Diet!
I basically live off all of the above and nothing else - lot of fruits, veg and protein in an easy to consume and digest format.
I also drink a lot of water and green teas and things.
I still aim to consume my daily calorie allowance, so i doubt i'd lose much weight although i did lose a couple of lbs last time still, but a detox is all about feeling great inside and out and it works for me every time.
I won't go into great detial because I'm not a professional on the matter but I know you need lots of water. So foods like salad and juicy fruit are great. Don't add a lot of salt, peper, or sugar to your food.
The concept of toxins is nonsense.Your kidneys/liver get rid of';toxins';.
idk but eat veggie and fruits
type in green smoothie on google there are recipes and stufffffheadache
Your body is perfectly well designed to get rid of toxins all by itself. Doing the so-called detox diets only tax your natural detox mechanisms more, and they are in general incredibly unhealthy for you. People that go on detox diets very often have major weight problems down the line because they slowed down their metabolisms. read the article below before you try it.Healthy cleansing diets?
When i need a ';detox'; - normally when i'm feeling reallly run down - i go onto my very own Soup, Stew and Smoothie Diet!
I basically live off all of the above and nothing else - lot of fruits, veg and protein in an easy to consume and digest format.
I also drink a lot of water and green teas and things.
I still aim to consume my daily calorie allowance, so i doubt i'd lose much weight although i did lose a couple of lbs last time still, but a detox is all about feeling great inside and out and it works for me every time.
I won't go into great detial because I'm not a professional on the matter but I know you need lots of water. So foods like salad and juicy fruit are great. Don't add a lot of salt, peper, or sugar to your food.
The concept of toxins is nonsense.Your kidneys/liver get rid of';toxins';.
idk but eat veggie and fruits
type in green smoothie on google there are recipes and stufffff
Hey! Does any body used REVIVOGEN Bio-Cleansing Shampoo? What results did you got? Need review for the shamp?
I am female in my late 20's.. I am notising hair loss :(((((
Sombody advised me to use this shampoo..
I alredy bought the product, and this is my first day of using it?
I am just interested if any body used this product and what kind of resoults did you got..
And also does this shampoo helps to grow hair faster? That person tald me she experienced faster hair growth with this pruduct. Just curious how it warked for others.
Thanks for the info....Hey! Does any body used REVIVOGEN Bio-Cleansing Shampoo? What results did you got? Need review for the shamp?
I'm bald now....even the pubes fell out...
Sombody advised me to use this shampoo..
I alredy bought the product, and this is my first day of using it?
I am just interested if any body used this product and what kind of resoults did you got..
And also does this shampoo helps to grow hair faster? That person tald me she experienced faster hair growth with this pruduct. Just curious how it warked for others.
Thanks for the info....Hey! Does any body used REVIVOGEN Bio-Cleansing Shampoo? What results did you got? Need review for the shamp?
I'm bald now....even the pubes fell out...
Deep cleanse pores/reduce pore size?
What is the best over the counter product to deep cleanse pores/reduce pore size?Deep cleanse pores/reduce pore size?
you cant reduce the size of your pores only make them less noticable.when they are clean they seem smaller when they have dirt and oil i nthem they seem huge.
i like biore strips once a week queen helenes mint julep mask every other week and washing my face twice a day 3 times in the summerDeep cleanse pores/reduce pore size?
Don't use the Clean and Clear or Clearasil products, their cheap and just full of chemicals, use clinique, they have a really good shrink pores and heaps of different types of cleansers that are good quality and accutally work!
Biore is a good product to use to minimize the size of your pores.
you cant reduce the size of your pores only make them less noticable.when they are clean they seem smaller when they have dirt and oil i nthem they seem huge.
i like biore strips once a week queen helenes mint julep mask every other week and washing my face twice a day 3 times in the summerDeep cleanse pores/reduce pore size?
Don't use the Clean and Clear or Clearasil products, their cheap and just full of chemicals, use clinique, they have a really good shrink pores and heaps of different types of cleansers that are good quality and accutally work!
Biore is a good product to use to minimize the size of your pores.
Ultimate cleanse work?
use Oxy CleanUltimate cleanse work?
I would learn judo its the best of all your selectionUltimate cleanse work?
if you mean colon cleanse be careful. most of them are scams and don't work.
What?, can you add a little more detail.
I would learn judo its the best of all your selectionUltimate cleanse work?
if you mean colon cleanse be careful. most of them are scams and don't work.
What?, can you add a little more detail.
Are the Elite Acai Berry Supplements &+ NatraPure Cleanse Supplements purchasable ...?
in any local health places .
iLive in Poughkeepsie, Ny %26amp;+ iHave yet to see them anywhere .
the local health places that iKnow of are Rite Aid, Eckerd, Mother Earth, WalGreens, CVS, iBelieve thats it .
please help .Are the Elite Acai Berry Supplements %26amp;+ NatraPure Cleanse Supplements purchasable ...?
GNC might have them. You can check locally or online.Are the Elite Acai Berry Supplements %26amp;+ NatraPure Cleanse Supplements purchasable ...?
Here's some help: Don't buy them. They're a waste of money, along with every other ';miracle pill'; or supplement you see advertised.
Save yourself the trouble (and a fist full of cash) and stick to a healhy diet and rigorous exercise. Your results will be cheaper, quicker, and more dramatic.
iLive in Poughkeepsie, Ny %26amp;+ iHave yet to see them anywhere .
the local health places that iKnow of are Rite Aid, Eckerd, Mother Earth, WalGreens, CVS, iBelieve thats it .
please help .Are the Elite Acai Berry Supplements %26amp;+ NatraPure Cleanse Supplements purchasable ...?
GNC might have them. You can check locally or online.Are the Elite Acai Berry Supplements %26amp;+ NatraPure Cleanse Supplements purchasable ...?
Here's some help: Don't buy them. They're a waste of money, along with every other ';miracle pill'; or supplement you see advertised.
Save yourself the trouble (and a fist full of cash) and stick to a healhy diet and rigorous exercise. Your results will be cheaper, quicker, and more dramatic.
Pore Cleansing face wash 10 pts!?
I need a face wash that deep clenses pores and minimizes the appearance of them.Thx! (and it has to be gentle on the skin beause I have sensitive skin)Pore Cleansing face wash 10 pts!?
Purpose it works really well (:
it can be found at walgreens or cvsPore Cleansing face wash 10 pts!?
Get a facial steamer (available at walgreens prob. any drugstore) and scrub with st. ives blemish and blackhead control and put stridex pads on your face after you're done washing;)
In Christ,
Purpose it works really well (:
it can be found at walgreens or cvsPore Cleansing face wash 10 pts!?
Get a facial steamer (available at walgreens prob. any drugstore) and scrub with st. ives blemish and blackhead control and put stridex pads on your face after you're done washing;)
In Christ,
Are cleansing cloths any good for your skin? or..?
..washing with a regular cleanser and rinsing better?
The cleansing cloths I have right now cleanse,remove eye makeup and tones. Can this be harmful in any way?Are cleansing cloths any good for your skin? or..?
I would say it's better to use an actual cleanser, since using a cloth all over your face might be a bit too rough on your skin, pull it too much. Also, I was using some to remove makeup and I found that it dried my skin out like crazy. Possibly helped to cause my new nasty zits.headache
The cleansing cloths I have right now cleanse,remove eye makeup and tones. Can this be harmful in any way?Are cleansing cloths any good for your skin? or..?
I would say it's better to use an actual cleanser, since using a cloth all over your face might be a bit too rough on your skin, pull it too much. Also, I was using some to remove makeup and I found that it dried my skin out like crazy. Possibly helped to cause my new nasty zits.
Master cleanse for 7 days?
I am going to do the master cleanse because I want to detox my body and just feel better and I have heard it's good for this. I only have 7 days before thanksgiving (when i will not be able to avoid food...) so is it ok to just do it for 7 days rather than the 10 thats recommended? Master cleanse for 7 days?
it is okay...you just not get the same/full results.
it is okay...you just not get the same/full results.
Can someone recommend a good detox/colon cleanse regimen with ';easy'; ingredients, that really worked 4 u
I would prefer one that also gets rid of parasites, even if it entails something from health food storeCan someone recommend a good detox/colon cleanse regimen with ';easy'; ingredients, that really worked 4 u
You can get over the counter antiparasitics at the drug store.
As for the cleanse, think about this.
God never commanded us to wash our colin. He gave us high-fiver foods, like fruits, vegtables, legumes, and whole-grains.
If you use these, very little vegetable oil, your colin should not need a flushing.
I know, took pinworm meds, a 10 day fast, then had a cleanse--I expected to see all kinds of debree liberated from my colin.
It did not happen, and as the flush water passed through a backlit tube, the only debri I saw was some digested peach fiber--I ate a peach that a.m.
One person had told he took a cleanse consisting of clay, psyllium husks, and charcoal. He said something resembling a tire passed from his colin.
Someone else bought his concoction, ate it, then showed me the rubber. Balogney--it was psyllium gell mixed with charcoal.
If you want to prolong life, give up meat--it contains an enzyme that operates on your cells to allow carcinogens to enter--causes cancer.
Blessings, BalaamCan someone recommend a good detox/colon cleanse regimen with ';easy'; ingredients, that really worked 4 u
Colon cleanser that kills parasites as well are uncommon. Bowtrol's one is good. Check my source link.
Looking for Natural Colon Cleansing?
Bowtrol Colon Cleanse is an all natural herbal colon cleansing treatment that has changed hundreds of thousands of people's lives through our gentle and effective whole body safe and effective internal cleansing system. The Bowtrol Colon Cleanse was formulated to maximize elimination without causing uncomfortable cramping, while assisting in cleansing the vital organs and lymphatic system.
Bowtrol is an all natural herbal colon cleansing treatment that has changed hundreds of thousands of people's lives through our gentle and effective whole body safe and effective internal cleansing. Bowtrol is formulated to maximize one's elimination without causing loose stools or uncomfortable cramping via frequent healthy bowel movements while assisting in cleansing the vital organs and lymphatic system.
Why is cleansing receiving so much attention?
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Colon Cleanse
The amount of weight you can lose with a colon cleanse depends on how much matter is left in your intestines. The average person has 5-20 pounds of matter, so you can lose a decent amount.
For colon cleansing home remedies, the best thing would be going for juice fasting for 3- 5 days or eat a diet high in fiber and drink your recommended amount of water.
For colon cleansing products, Cellular Research, Dr. Natura, Dr. Schulze, Enuvia, Health Plus, Nature's Secret and Oxy-Powder are quite among popular among the industry.
http://www.cleansecolonblog.com/ is a blog that review colon cleanse product, colon cleanse home remedies and more.
You can get over the counter antiparasitics at the drug store.
As for the cleanse, think about this.
God never commanded us to wash our colin. He gave us high-fiver foods, like fruits, vegtables, legumes, and whole-grains.
If you use these, very little vegetable oil, your colin should not need a flushing.
I know, took pinworm meds, a 10 day fast, then had a cleanse--I expected to see all kinds of debree liberated from my colin.
It did not happen, and as the flush water passed through a backlit tube, the only debri I saw was some digested peach fiber--I ate a peach that a.m.
One person had told he took a cleanse consisting of clay, psyllium husks, and charcoal. He said something resembling a tire passed from his colin.
Someone else bought his concoction, ate it, then showed me the rubber. Balogney--it was psyllium gell mixed with charcoal.
If you want to prolong life, give up meat--it contains an enzyme that operates on your cells to allow carcinogens to enter--causes cancer.
Blessings, BalaamCan someone recommend a good detox/colon cleanse regimen with ';easy'; ingredients, that really worked 4 u
Colon cleanser that kills parasites as well are uncommon. Bowtrol's one is good. Check my source link.
Looking for Natural Colon Cleansing?
Bowtrol Colon Cleanse is an all natural herbal colon cleansing treatment that has changed hundreds of thousands of people's lives through our gentle and effective whole body safe and effective internal cleansing system. The Bowtrol Colon Cleanse was formulated to maximize elimination without causing uncomfortable cramping, while assisting in cleansing the vital organs and lymphatic system.
Bowtrol is an all natural herbal colon cleansing treatment that has changed hundreds of thousands of people's lives through our gentle and effective whole body safe and effective internal cleansing. Bowtrol is formulated to maximize one's elimination without causing loose stools or uncomfortable cramping via frequent healthy bowel movements while assisting in cleansing the vital organs and lymphatic system.
Why is cleansing receiving so much attention?
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Colon Cleanse
The amount of weight you can lose with a colon cleanse depends on how much matter is left in your intestines. The average person has 5-20 pounds of matter, so you can lose a decent amount.
For colon cleansing home remedies, the best thing would be going for juice fasting for 3- 5 days or eat a diet high in fiber and drink your recommended amount of water.
For colon cleansing products, Cellular Research, Dr. Natura, Dr. Schulze, Enuvia, Health Plus, Nature's Secret and Oxy-Powder are quite among popular among the industry.
http://www.cleansecolonblog.com/ is a blog that review colon cleanse product, colon cleanse home remedies and more.
I have a question about psyllium husk cleanse. does it help to lose weight?is it a good product?
Psyllium is not a cleanser but a fiber to ensure regularity. As a fiber, it isn't considered the best since it doesn't fully pass through your system but slightly gets stuck in your colon. Flax seed oil and powder are considered the best, since the flax seeds provide omega 3s. If your looking to do a 'cleanse'. Try a juice fast for two days. Put 1-4 parts juice to water in a glass and have one of those as needed for the two days.I have a question about psyllium husk cleanse. does it help to lose weight?is it a good product?
You have to come up with some type of a reward system, this will help keep you motivated. One of the best things to do is make a contingency contract. Stating what you want to do, who will help you do it, and what do you get for doing it.
Then also try to find a well balance diet program. My friend did this one diet program where the average weight lose is 7 pounds in 9 days. It might be the thing you are looking for, I know it's well balanced. If you want e-mail me and I can tell you more about either of these.I have a question about psyllium husk cleanse. does it help to lose weight?is it a good product?
I found this on this website. There are more tips and info.
1. If what you are eating has less than 1 carb, count it as 1 carb just to be sure.
2. Totally avoid caffine at least for the first two weeks on the program.
3. Drink a MINIMUM of 8 glasses of plain water or seltzer daily.
4. Don't weigh yourself more than once a week
5. Take starting measurements as well as weight - sometimes you'll lose inches before pounds
6. Avoid any type of ';low carb'; sweetener for the first two weeks
7. Don't compare your loss to someone else's - this is a YMMV thing (your milage may vary)
8. Stalls are common around the third week so don't panic
9. If you follow your plan to the T and don't lose, consider Candida as a possibility and avoid vinegar, cheese, mushrooms and any other fermented food
10. Have bloodwork done before starting so you have a comparison
11. Cholesterol can be elevated in the first few weeks til your body adjusts - make sure your doctor knows that you're doing low carb and when you started
12. Don't blame the diet if you don't read your plan book -- blame the diet if you don't read the labels -- Don't blame the diet if you don't follow the diet
How do i lose fast weight? - Healthy life every day!
search :http://www.google.com/search?hl=en%26amp;lr=%26amp;newwindow=1%26amp;as_qdr=all%26amp;q=%22How+do+i+lose+fast+weight%3F%22+-answers.yahoo+loseweighthappy%26amp;btnG=Search
You have to come up with some type of a reward system, this will help keep you motivated. One of the best things to do is make a contingency contract. Stating what you want to do, who will help you do it, and what do you get for doing it.
Then also try to find a well balance diet program. My friend did this one diet program where the average weight lose is 7 pounds in 9 days. It might be the thing you are looking for, I know it's well balanced. If you want e-mail me and I can tell you more about either of these.I have a question about psyllium husk cleanse. does it help to lose weight?is it a good product?
I found this on this website. There are more tips and info.
1. If what you are eating has less than 1 carb, count it as 1 carb just to be sure.
2. Totally avoid caffine at least for the first two weeks on the program.
3. Drink a MINIMUM of 8 glasses of plain water or seltzer daily.
4. Don't weigh yourself more than once a week
5. Take starting measurements as well as weight - sometimes you'll lose inches before pounds
6. Avoid any type of ';low carb'; sweetener for the first two weeks
7. Don't compare your loss to someone else's - this is a YMMV thing (your milage may vary)
8. Stalls are common around the third week so don't panic
9. If you follow your plan to the T and don't lose, consider Candida as a possibility and avoid vinegar, cheese, mushrooms and any other fermented food
10. Have bloodwork done before starting so you have a comparison
11. Cholesterol can be elevated in the first few weeks til your body adjusts - make sure your doctor knows that you're doing low carb and when you started
12. Don't blame the diet if you don't read your plan book -- blame the diet if you don't read the labels -- Don't blame the diet if you don't follow the diet
How do i lose fast weight? - Healthy life every day!
search :http://www.google.com/search?hl=en%26amp;lr=%26amp;newwindow=1%26amp;as_qdr=all%26amp;q=%22How+do+i+lose+fast+weight%3F%22+-answers.yahoo+loseweighthappy%26amp;btnG=Search
Is it alright to leave noxzema deep cleansing cream on the face overnight, without rinsing off 'til morning?
Nice mess on the pillows! Otherwise, why not? I sure wouldn't want something that greasy on my face that long though.Is it alright to leave noxzema deep cleansing cream on the face overnight, without rinsing off 'til morning?
Only if you can manage to sleep on your back without turning.Why don't you try a nighttime deep pore cleanser that is in gel form ? it's clear, all you have to do is rub it in !!!Is it alright to leave noxzema deep cleansing cream on the face overnight, without rinsing off 'til morning?
Probably not, since I believe you are supposed to clean w/ water afterwards. But, I would call the 1-800 # on the package and/or try their website to know for sure.
yes.. but it will make your pillows messy
Greasy....ewww why would you do that ****?
Only if you can manage to sleep on your back without turning.Why don't you try a nighttime deep pore cleanser that is in gel form ? it's clear, all you have to do is rub it in !!!Is it alright to leave noxzema deep cleansing cream on the face overnight, without rinsing off 'til morning?
Probably not, since I believe you are supposed to clean w/ water afterwards. But, I would call the 1-800 # on the package and/or try their website to know for sure.
yes.. but it will make your pillows messy
Greasy....ewww why would you do that ****?
What is the name of that ';body cleansing'; diet?
what is the name of that ';body cleansing'; diet where you only drink some kind of juice for a few weeks?
PLEASE help me out :DWhat is the name of that ';body cleansing'; diet?
Actually, you don't have to diet per se to lose weight, the one method that really worked for me was wu-yi tea, it can be seen in the resource box underneath, they have a handful of free trials left, it has been featured in Reader's Digest and CNN. I lost twenty five pounds, it really does work!What is the name of that ';body cleansing'; diet?
I think your thinking of the Master Cleanse?
I want to check it out myself.
PLEASE help me out :DWhat is the name of that ';body cleansing'; diet?
Actually, you don't have to diet per se to lose weight, the one method that really worked for me was wu-yi tea, it can be seen in the resource box underneath, they have a handful of free trials left, it has been featured in Reader's Digest and CNN. I lost twenty five pounds, it really does work!What is the name of that ';body cleansing'; diet?
I think your thinking of the Master Cleanse?
I want to check it out myself.
Why is the Israeli bombardment and invasion of Lebanon not described as ';ethnic cleansing';?
Israel has ordered all the villagers to clear out. Israel then destroys their homes and murders the fleeing villagers.
http://www.antiwar.com/roberts/?articlei鈥?/a>Why is the Israeli bombardment and invasion of Lebanon not described as ';ethnic cleansing';?
I'm very happy that someone asked this question,it means people are starting to see the truth,Israel is the biggest terrorist country,for years it has been killing Palestinians and Lebanese people,but the whole world is covering Israel's crimes .Why is the Israeli bombardment and invasion of Lebanon not described as ';ethnic cleansing';?
no this is not ethnic cleansing. Ethnic cleansing occurs when the citizens of a nation ';cleanse'; people of different backgrounds within their own society.
Having said this Israel is a racist country:
It is ethnic cleansing. It was wrong when they killed and cleared out the Cananites, it was wrong in 1947 when they killed and cleared out the arabs from palestine (the land that was afterwards given to them by the UN), and it's wrong now.
Do you know what ethnic cleansing is?
By the comment I would assume you dont. So before a asking questions you might want to get your definitions more accurate.
These people can do what ever they want, why do you think people of the arab world hate America so much...
For the same reason that when any of the fanatical Muslim sects who want to wipe out Israel, it isn't called ';ethnic cleansing'; either.
Is Hezbollah a Race Or a Religion? If one regularly sleeps with dogs don't be surprised if you wake up scratching.
Because Israel isn't trying to wipe out a race. It's only trying to stop Hezbollah from carrying out the attacks against the people of Israel. Now Hezbollah would definitly like to see some ethnic cleansing. They would like to see Jews wiped from the face of the Earth. THAT'S ethnic cleansing.
Hezbollah fighters kidnapped two Israeli soldiers, when Israeli soldiers went to get them they were met with military style tactics and weapons. The Lebanese police didn鈥檛 arrest the kidnappers and they didn鈥檛 evacuate the citizens from a danger zone.
The Israelis were forced to try and get their soldiers back. When Israeli soldiers attempted this Hezbollah fighters used rockets and automatic weapons to keep the kidnapped soldiers. Several Israeli soldiers were killed in the attempt.
The wide spread fighting with the Hezbollah fighters makes them accessories to kidnapping and guilty of murder. The vast numbers of fighters should make this organized crime.
With the failure of the Lebanese police at both levels, the Israelis must do what is required to get their people returned. Military style tactics require military action to get this done. With the failure of the Lebanese police to get their people to safety, Israel can鈥檛 allow the citizens to deter them from bringing the criminals to justice.
Organized crime of this magnitude can鈥檛 be allowed to escape punishment. The Israelis must use any and all methods to bring organized crime to justice, the numbers of criminals and the firepower they have makes military action of any level to get the job done necessary. Hezbollah has a member holding the position of Speaker of the Parliament an elected position voted on by the Parliament. This must therefore be considered as a government sponsored action and any action by Israel needed to bring justice is warranted.
Hezbollah should have caught the kidnappers and sentenced them to justice. The failure of Hezbollah to capture the kidnappers and the killing of Israelis makes all the Hezbollah fighters accessories to kidnapping and guilty of murder. The shear level of the numbers of criminals, should have brought outside aide to Israel in the suppression of the Hezbollah organized crime criminals.
The failure of the worlds leaders is to their eternal shame, and that the whole world shall have to bear. Our world leaders have become cowards and not able to deal with a large organized crime syndicate. The Israelis are left to do what ever is required to bring all the criminals to justice.
Had this accrued in the US and Hezbollah hid a neighborhood, then used rockets and automatic weapons on the same scale. The US military would level all the buildings occupied by Hezbollah and bring down the buildings with the criminals inside. As soon as the police had evacuated the citizens who were in danger.
Israel is doing no different, the law is the law and the organized crime syndicate known as Hezbollah must be brought to justice, no matter the cost. The law is clear and must be enforced.
why are rockets pouring down on Israel not seen as a act of war by hezbo and iran?
Because you need to kill millions of people not just a few innocent by standers to do so. But Hezbollah and Iran openly state they want to get every Jew out of Israel. Now who really is the bad guys here. The Israeli's who warn people to leave or the Hezbollah who fire missiles from peoples roof tops then run and hide and weight for the rooftop to be hit by Israel.
If your ask me it's Hezbollah who is guilty of getting the Lebanese civilians killed. And mark my words the world has had enough and Hezbollah and Iran's days are numbered.
because israel like to think of themselves as the spectacular chosen of God. So that means they can do no wrong. If you say that their killing and targeting of civilians is wrong they say you are anti Semitic. LOL
Because it is not ethnic cleansing it is described as genocide.
Dd, Jews are chosen to do anything they want including killing innocents kids %26amp; umarmed civilians, bulldozering homes, bridges,power sources,worship houses including Samara mosque and Beshara church. For they are the Chosen..!
It is a blood feud
They were attacked now they must retaliate in order to survive in their environment
When the Ideology is so different, any transgression is amplified to the point of extreme.
I was taught in school that Israel only reacts ,not one instance of aggressive behavior first
Don't say it is brain-washing .It was over 40 years ago.
The same behavior (Israeli) was proclaimed in Bosnia as ethnic cleansing by Serbian people. Villages were empty, innocent people killed... I guess you have to make a story before go to the war. You must ';go to the flow'; with worlds stupidity about destroying terrorism or some other ideology. Than your crimes are justified.headache
http://www.antiwar.com/roberts/?articlei鈥?/a>Why is the Israeli bombardment and invasion of Lebanon not described as ';ethnic cleansing';?
I'm very happy that someone asked this question,it means people are starting to see the truth,Israel is the biggest terrorist country,for years it has been killing Palestinians and Lebanese people,but the whole world is covering Israel's crimes .Why is the Israeli bombardment and invasion of Lebanon not described as ';ethnic cleansing';?
no this is not ethnic cleansing. Ethnic cleansing occurs when the citizens of a nation ';cleanse'; people of different backgrounds within their own society.
Having said this Israel is a racist country:
It is ethnic cleansing. It was wrong when they killed and cleared out the Cananites, it was wrong in 1947 when they killed and cleared out the arabs from palestine (the land that was afterwards given to them by the UN), and it's wrong now.
Do you know what ethnic cleansing is?
By the comment I would assume you dont. So before a asking questions you might want to get your definitions more accurate.
These people can do what ever they want, why do you think people of the arab world hate America so much...
For the same reason that when any of the fanatical Muslim sects who want to wipe out Israel, it isn't called ';ethnic cleansing'; either.
Is Hezbollah a Race Or a Religion? If one regularly sleeps with dogs don't be surprised if you wake up scratching.
Because Israel isn't trying to wipe out a race. It's only trying to stop Hezbollah from carrying out the attacks against the people of Israel. Now Hezbollah would definitly like to see some ethnic cleansing. They would like to see Jews wiped from the face of the Earth. THAT'S ethnic cleansing.
Hezbollah fighters kidnapped two Israeli soldiers, when Israeli soldiers went to get them they were met with military style tactics and weapons. The Lebanese police didn鈥檛 arrest the kidnappers and they didn鈥檛 evacuate the citizens from a danger zone.
The Israelis were forced to try and get their soldiers back. When Israeli soldiers attempted this Hezbollah fighters used rockets and automatic weapons to keep the kidnapped soldiers. Several Israeli soldiers were killed in the attempt.
The wide spread fighting with the Hezbollah fighters makes them accessories to kidnapping and guilty of murder. The vast numbers of fighters should make this organized crime.
With the failure of the Lebanese police at both levels, the Israelis must do what is required to get their people returned. Military style tactics require military action to get this done. With the failure of the Lebanese police to get their people to safety, Israel can鈥檛 allow the citizens to deter them from bringing the criminals to justice.
Organized crime of this magnitude can鈥檛 be allowed to escape punishment. The Israelis must use any and all methods to bring organized crime to justice, the numbers of criminals and the firepower they have makes military action of any level to get the job done necessary. Hezbollah has a member holding the position of Speaker of the Parliament an elected position voted on by the Parliament. This must therefore be considered as a government sponsored action and any action by Israel needed to bring justice is warranted.
Hezbollah should have caught the kidnappers and sentenced them to justice. The failure of Hezbollah to capture the kidnappers and the killing of Israelis makes all the Hezbollah fighters accessories to kidnapping and guilty of murder. The shear level of the numbers of criminals, should have brought outside aide to Israel in the suppression of the Hezbollah organized crime criminals.
The failure of the worlds leaders is to their eternal shame, and that the whole world shall have to bear. Our world leaders have become cowards and not able to deal with a large organized crime syndicate. The Israelis are left to do what ever is required to bring all the criminals to justice.
Had this accrued in the US and Hezbollah hid a neighborhood, then used rockets and automatic weapons on the same scale. The US military would level all the buildings occupied by Hezbollah and bring down the buildings with the criminals inside. As soon as the police had evacuated the citizens who were in danger.
Israel is doing no different, the law is the law and the organized crime syndicate known as Hezbollah must be brought to justice, no matter the cost. The law is clear and must be enforced.
why are rockets pouring down on Israel not seen as a act of war by hezbo and iran?
Because you need to kill millions of people not just a few innocent by standers to do so. But Hezbollah and Iran openly state they want to get every Jew out of Israel. Now who really is the bad guys here. The Israeli's who warn people to leave or the Hezbollah who fire missiles from peoples roof tops then run and hide and weight for the rooftop to be hit by Israel.
If your ask me it's Hezbollah who is guilty of getting the Lebanese civilians killed. And mark my words the world has had enough and Hezbollah and Iran's days are numbered.
because israel like to think of themselves as the spectacular chosen of God. So that means they can do no wrong. If you say that their killing and targeting of civilians is wrong they say you are anti Semitic. LOL
Because it is not ethnic cleansing it is described as genocide.
Dd, Jews are chosen to do anything they want including killing innocents kids %26amp; umarmed civilians, bulldozering homes, bridges,power sources,worship houses including Samara mosque and Beshara church. For they are the Chosen..!
It is a blood feud
They were attacked now they must retaliate in order to survive in their environment
When the Ideology is so different, any transgression is amplified to the point of extreme.
I was taught in school that Israel only reacts ,not one instance of aggressive behavior first
Don't say it is brain-washing .It was over 40 years ago.
The same behavior (Israeli) was proclaimed in Bosnia as ethnic cleansing by Serbian people. Villages were empty, innocent people killed... I guess you have to make a story before go to the war. You must ';go to the flow'; with worlds stupidity about destroying terrorism or some other ideology. Than your crimes are justified.
Colon cleanse while pregnant?
i wanted to know if anyone has ever used a colon cleanse while pregnant and if so, did it harm the baby? i hear its not good because the toxins can hurt the baby. is that true?Colon cleanse while pregnant?
depends on the type of chemicals it has you should of told them your pregnant or just call a doctor they know more
depends on the type of chemicals it has you should of told them your pregnant or just call a doctor they know more
Does anybody know if the ';Master Cleanse'; Diet is effective?
Does the ';Master Cleanse (AKA: Lemonade Diet)'; work?? If so, if I am, say.... a 5'1, 112 lb. female, how much should I lose if I stick to this diet for 2 months?
Thank you (yes, I know, I am short) :)
God bless :)Does anybody know if the ';Master Cleanse'; Diet is effective?
yes it does work, but staying on it for two months? that's a little long. since it's your first time, try one week, then two and then stop at a month. you're a good weight already, if that's what you're concerned about.
but you'll lose anywhere from 5 - 20 pounds for that amount of time, it all really depends on your body.
let me just warn you: day 2 is THE hardest!!
good luck, though. and really don't do two months to start!
Thank you (yes, I know, I am short) :)
God bless :)Does anybody know if the ';Master Cleanse'; Diet is effective?
yes it does work, but staying on it for two months? that's a little long. since it's your first time, try one week, then two and then stop at a month. you're a good weight already, if that's what you're concerned about.
but you'll lose anywhere from 5 - 20 pounds for that amount of time, it all really depends on your body.
let me just warn you: day 2 is THE hardest!!
good luck, though. and really don't do two months to start!
How do you do the master cleanse?
I used it with awesome results. This is a full body detox, not really a diet, since there are only 4 ingredients. But losing weight is a great side benefit. That's why so many people call it a diet. (I lost 10 lbs in 10 days).
Just follow the instructions at the link I gave you. You'll find people who are currently on the Master Cleanser at the same time you are, which is cool since they BLOG everyday and share their results too. Most people drink about 6-8 glasses a day. It will do wonders for your over-all health. Things you can't even appreciate right now because the detox cleanses all your organs of POISONS that have been building up for years. This cleanse when followed seriously, can prevent cancer. It is mainly used as a preventative for colon health and all around health too.
Purified Spring water
Organic lemon juice
Organic grade B maple syrup
Organic cayenne pepper
Click this link.
http://therawfoodsite.com/mastercleanse.…How do you do the master cleanse?
The Master Cleanse Lemonade
The lemonade is prepared by mixing the ingredients in this free recipe:
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice. Burroughs recommends organic lemons, fresh, not bottled juice. Limes may be substituted. Lemon zest and pulp may be added, making sure that the lemons are organic and not artificially colored or treated with pesticides.
2 tablespoons of maple syrup. This must be pure maple syrup, not pancake syrup. Burroughs recommends the darker Grade B, which has more color and nutrients than Grade A, which is also acceptable. He goes into aspects of maple syrup production that would be difficult for the average person to investigate, such as whether formaldehyde or plastic tubing is used (not recommended by Burroughs).
1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Burroughs insists that cayenne chili pepper be used, but permits ramping up from a lesser amount if the taste needs getting used to.
Water. Burroughs recommends a 10-ounce glass of medium hot water, but also allows cold water to be used. Some have interpreted “10-ounce glass” to mean 8 ounces of actual water. Since Burroughs also allows plain water to be drunk during the fast in addition to the lemonade, this doesn’t seem important.
For more info go to:
http://calorielab.com/news/2008/07/17/ma…How do you do the master cleanse?
Please see my source. I swear, it is really about the Master Cleanse! I looked it up and I found a website that really tells all about it! Please look at it. I swear, I think this website will help you. Check it out!
put your left foot in, twirl, hand on hip, flourish, jazz hands, and leap.
dont forget to bow at the end when the applause starts
this works for me.
i spray alot of ax body spray and i just get this feelin
lol but im serious
Some lube and a garden hose
Just follow the instructions at the link I gave you. You'll find people who are currently on the Master Cleanser at the same time you are, which is cool since they BLOG everyday and share their results too. Most people drink about 6-8 glasses a day. It will do wonders for your over-all health. Things you can't even appreciate right now because the detox cleanses all your organs of POISONS that have been building up for years. This cleanse when followed seriously, can prevent cancer. It is mainly used as a preventative for colon health and all around health too.
Purified Spring water
Organic lemon juice
Organic grade B maple syrup
Organic cayenne pepper
Click this link.
http://therawfoodsite.com/mastercleanse.…How do you do the master cleanse?
The Master Cleanse Lemonade
The lemonade is prepared by mixing the ingredients in this free recipe:
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice. Burroughs recommends organic lemons, fresh, not bottled juice. Limes may be substituted. Lemon zest and pulp may be added, making sure that the lemons are organic and not artificially colored or treated with pesticides.
2 tablespoons of maple syrup. This must be pure maple syrup, not pancake syrup. Burroughs recommends the darker Grade B, which has more color and nutrients than Grade A, which is also acceptable. He goes into aspects of maple syrup production that would be difficult for the average person to investigate, such as whether formaldehyde or plastic tubing is used (not recommended by Burroughs).
1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Burroughs insists that cayenne chili pepper be used, but permits ramping up from a lesser amount if the taste needs getting used to.
Water. Burroughs recommends a 10-ounce glass of medium hot water, but also allows cold water to be used. Some have interpreted “10-ounce glass” to mean 8 ounces of actual water. Since Burroughs also allows plain water to be drunk during the fast in addition to the lemonade, this doesn’t seem important.
For more info go to:
http://calorielab.com/news/2008/07/17/ma…How do you do the master cleanse?
Please see my source. I swear, it is really about the Master Cleanse! I looked it up and I found a website that really tells all about it! Please look at it. I swear, I think this website will help you. Check it out!
put your left foot in, twirl, hand on hip, flourish, jazz hands, and leap.
dont forget to bow at the end when the applause starts
this works for me.
i spray alot of ax body spray and i just get this feelin
lol but im serious
Some lube and a garden hose
Have you ever done a liver cleanse?
w/ supplements? Experience?Have you ever done a liver cleanse?
Milk thistle is a very good liver cleanser and protector herb, it has no noted side effects.Have you ever done a liver cleanse?
nope cant say i have
Oh wow, that don't even sound like fun. Lots of trips to the bathroom I would imagine.
I'm going through one now with supplements and a colon cleanser at the same time. I've only been doing this for about four days, but so far, I feel just fine. But then, I did a major turn around in my diet several months back, so maybe that's why I'm not having the problems some people do.
I will say this though, this can cause a major jolt to some people's system. If you are considering going through this, be extra careful. Should you notice any severe reactions, stop immediately and consult a physician.
One person's medicine is another's poison.
yep, i started with olive oil, grapefruit juice, epson salts. thought i was going to die. I did that for 3 days. then I bought an online book, and have been taking milk thistle and b complex ever since and NO pain whatsoever. milk thistle, and b complex is the way to go.
Milk thistle is a very good liver cleanser and protector herb, it has no noted side effects.Have you ever done a liver cleanse?
nope cant say i have
Oh wow, that don't even sound like fun. Lots of trips to the bathroom I would imagine.
I'm going through one now with supplements and a colon cleanser at the same time. I've only been doing this for about four days, but so far, I feel just fine. But then, I did a major turn around in my diet several months back, so maybe that's why I'm not having the problems some people do.
I will say this though, this can cause a major jolt to some people's system. If you are considering going through this, be extra careful. Should you notice any severe reactions, stop immediately and consult a physician.
One person's medicine is another's poison.
yep, i started with olive oil, grapefruit juice, epson salts. thought i was going to die. I did that for 3 days. then I bought an online book, and have been taking milk thistle and b complex ever since and NO pain whatsoever. milk thistle, and b complex is the way to go.
Does anybody know how to really cleanse your system without having to do it though a doctor..like a drink?
exlax or if you really want to do some serious shitting try something called go litely you won't go lightly but you will be cleaned out now why the heck anyone wants to do that is beyond me.Does anybody know how to really cleanse your system without having to do it though a doctor..like a drink?
I use an all natural nutritional cleansing system that works on the cellular level. I have never felt better.
If you would like to know more please email me directly at bignlild@msn.comDoes anybody know how to really cleanse your system without having to do it though a doctor..like a drink?
like an enema?
Type in Ready Clean for sale. Its 14.95 a bottle and will help you pass a piss test as long as you follow the directions.
I used lemonade as cleansing method, as featured in the master cleanse diet.
The lemonade diet recipe detail is here:
* 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon.
* 2 tablespoons of grade B Maple Syrup.
* Add cayenne pepper according to your preference
* A glass of pure water.
Good luck with it
I use Isagenix cleansing system. It consists of a cleansing drink and protein shakes. It works very weill if you are looking to kick-start a weight-loss program and just feel better all over!
No doctor required, but if it is a good idea to check with your doctor if you have concerns before beginning a program.
check it out and good luck!
I use an all natural nutritional cleansing system that works on the cellular level. I have never felt better.
If you would like to know more please email me directly at bignlild@msn.comDoes anybody know how to really cleanse your system without having to do it though a doctor..like a drink?
like an enema?
Type in Ready Clean for sale. Its 14.95 a bottle and will help you pass a piss test as long as you follow the directions.
I used lemonade as cleansing method, as featured in the master cleanse diet.
The lemonade diet recipe detail is here:
* 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon.
* 2 tablespoons of grade B Maple Syrup.
* Add cayenne pepper according to your preference
* A glass of pure water.
Good luck with it
I use Isagenix cleansing system. It consists of a cleansing drink and protein shakes. It works very weill if you are looking to kick-start a weight-loss program and just feel better all over!
No doctor required, but if it is a good idea to check with your doctor if you have concerns before beginning a program.
check it out and good luck!
What is a good cleanse?
I am a fairly healthy women but I think It might be a good idea to do a cleanse. What do I need to know?What is a good cleanse?
There are lots of ways you can do this. Different salads and fruits three times a day, and only water to drink, for a week is a good cleanse I hear. I personally like detoxifying. I drink green tea constantly all day - just floating a tea bag in a cup of water and sipping.What is a good cleanse?
Isagenix is the world leader in nutritional cleansing! They have a cleanse product that has been over 18 years in the making and it cleanses the whole body! The formulator is considered to be one of the top in the world! More info at the link below. Email me if you have any questions.
There are lots of ways you can do this. Different salads and fruits three times a day, and only water to drink, for a week is a good cleanse I hear. I personally like detoxifying. I drink green tea constantly all day - just floating a tea bag in a cup of water and sipping.What is a good cleanse?
Isagenix is the world leader in nutritional cleansing! They have a cleanse product that has been over 18 years in the making and it cleanses the whole body! The formulator is considered to be one of the top in the world! More info at the link below. Email me if you have any questions.
Does regular bar soap cleanse your face?
i have no cluee;;
tank youu:DDDDoes regular bar soap cleanse your face?
Yes, BUT the stuff that holds bar soap together will CLOG YOUR PORES. So if you are prone at all to getting acne, don't use it!
Here's a guide to controlling acne: http://juliakazan.blogspot.com/2008/07/g鈥?/a>
If you're looking for a good facial cleanser, just read the part on finding a cleanser and skip the other steps.
Hope that helps!Does regular bar soap cleanse your face?
i dont kno but u should try cetaphil or neutrogena fash wash bar soap for ur face might be a little weird
tank youu:DDDDoes regular bar soap cleanse your face?
Yes, BUT the stuff that holds bar soap together will CLOG YOUR PORES. So if you are prone at all to getting acne, don't use it!
Here's a guide to controlling acne: http://juliakazan.blogspot.com/2008/07/g鈥?/a>
If you're looking for a good facial cleanser, just read the part on finding a cleanser and skip the other steps.
Hope that helps!Does regular bar soap cleanse your face?
i dont kno but u should try cetaphil or neutrogena fash wash bar soap for ur face might be a little weird
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